

Ted Lieu for Congress :2022 was a big year

2022 was a big year. It was the first time since 1934 that every Senator from the President's party won their re-election campaign — plus we flipped a seat in the Senate!
   We also took historic climate action, passed the first gun safety measure in decades, and invested in working families. But the year's not over yet, and here at Team Lieu we still have one last hurdle to cross: meeting our end-of-year fundraising goal. What we raise between now and the end of the year will set the course for 2023 so we need all hands on deck. Are you with us?
   Ted is a critical voice for our communities in California and around the country. From serving in the Air Force to serving as a House Impeachment Manager to his new role as House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair, he has spent his entire career fighting for our democracy. He knows what's at stake, and he'll continue to fight with everything he's got.
   Will you stand with him by making a contribution today?
We had some real wins in 2022 — and we're just as ready for 2023.

Let's get to work!
Team Lieu

Ted Lieu for Congress · United States
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