




  2022年11月10日,美籍華人科學家陳霞芬(Sherry Chen)就她在過去十年中所遭受的不公正待遇與政府達成了和解。
   前美國國家氣象局華裔科學家陳霞芬(Sherry Chen)的律師今天宣佈了一項歷史性的和解協議,分別涉及陳霞芬被聯邦政府錯誤起訴和被不當解雇的兩起民事訴訟。
   2012年,美國商務部下屬的威脅和調查管理局(Investigations and Threat Management Service,簡稱ITMS)開始對陳霞芬進行非法調查,這是針對華裔美國人的一個典型歧視的例證。

   在陳霞芬尋求正義的道路上,UCA是第一個站出來支持她的民權組織。UCA曾在紐約時報頭版報道了陳霞芬冤案的當天,首先聯繫國會亞太裔黨團的華裔和亞裔議員,並在四天後在國會山上發起了有近十位國會議員參加的陳霞芬事件第一次新聞發佈會。UCA並幫助陳霞芬設立了“陳霞芬法律保護基金”。之後,UCA發起“A Christmas Gift for Sherry”全美義捐,並多次爲她募款,薛海培會長更是奔波于許多城市爲陳霞芬募捐。UCA同時尋求積極法律幫助,在國會層面爲她奔走相吿,聯絡民選官員和其他各界人士,共同支持她。
My dear friends:
   Today is a day for celebration. I’m writing to announce a historic settlement in my two lawsuits seeking accountability for the government’s illegal and discriminatory investigation of me, its wrongful prosecution, and its termination of my employment with the National Weather Service.
   The settlement is one of the largest paid to an individual plaintiff in Commerce Department history. As compensation, the Commerce Department is paying me $550,000, and I’ll receive an annuity from the U.S. government valued at $1.25 million over ten years. In addition, the Commerce Department is hosting a private meeting between me and a senior agency official, and it is providing me with a letter that acknowledges my extensive accomplishments during my tenure as a U.S. government hydrologist.
Today’s settlement is not only a victory for me; it is also a victory for our community and for the rule of law. It makes clear that profiling and discrimination are unacceptable, and that rogue investigative units like ITMS have no place in a democratic society. The government cannot escape the consequences for these wrongs. It will be held to account.
   Of course, no amount of money can ever fully repair the injustices I’ve experienced. But today’s settlement is a critically important step toward achieving justice for myself and for so many Chinese Americans who have been subjected to unjustified government scrutiny.
   Your unwavering support has been essential to this fight every step of the way. Although I’m unfortunately unable to celebrate with each of you in person, please know that I’m thinking of each of you, and I am so grateful for your kindness and generosity over this years-long fight. You’ve given me the strength to go on.? Thank you so much!

  UCA會長薛海培,數年來一直對陳霞芬事件費盡幸苦和努力。在聽到陳霞芬和聯邦政府達成和解協議後,他激動地説, “這是我和UCA同仁們盼望了七年之久的大喜事!是美國華人歷史上在歷經了多次最高法院的勝訴,二十多年前李文和案件的勝訴之後,華人維權史上又一可歌可泣的重大勝利。”