

That’s how we came upon “The Risk Paradox,"

 Hi Margaret, I hope your summer was awesome! My publisher is sending this because I wrote a book and I told them we’re friends!
Actually, Doug Schneider did the writing, and I did the interviews and editing and narrated the audiobook. This is me just after I finished smelling the pages :)
   Here’s how the book happened. Doug and I worked together at a big company that bought my first business, and then I convinced him to jump ship to run another company where I was on the board.
He retired after we took it public, and got into writing. I enjoyed his first book about life lessons from running marathons.
   Over the years we looked for books about real life risk. Jobs, families, hopes, fears, dreams, disappointments, and how they mix with money, achievements, and life fulfillment—squishy topics that jumble together in everyone’s lives.
   We looked and found… nothing. All the books discussing risk were biographies, or focused on stats or investment strategies. So we decided to write something we wanted to read.
   I love real stories from the lives of interesting people, and new insights backed by credible research. We combined those interests and started hunting for fascinating risk takers.
We found 102 people, split evenly between men and women, and conducted hundreds of hours of interviews. Most had never shared their stories or discussed the turning points and risks in their lives.
   We didn’t start off with any theories. We just collected and analyzed information, looking for patterns in the feelings, decisions, events, and backgrounds in the lives of these incredible people.
   That’s how we came upon “The Risk Paradox," that taking risk is the least risky thing you can do to live a fulfilling life.
“Why a whole book, Alan, if the main message is one sentence?” Well, psychology research finds that people learn best from someone else’s experience when they can actually see and feel themselves in their situations, emotionally, financially, logistically, and demographically.
   How did we do that for readers? Read the book and find out!
That’s the purpose of this email—me asking you to support the book! We think there’s a message, or quote, or story, or insight, somewhere in the book for everyone. The stories are life affirming, inspiring, uplifting, and real.
Book Cover October 4, 2022 Pre-Order Now
Amazon Barnes & Noble Amplify Publishing Audible
   As one of our early readers, a successful author and entrepreneur, noted:
“At the end of the day, risk is the single biggest driver in our lives. Your book nailed it by giving the reader a perspective on risk from all possible angles and articulated by people who have been there and spilled the blood that risk creates. Real world—not academic conceptual models.”
   Buy lots of copies! Your relatives may want a hardback, the management of your businesses may want the Kindle version, you may want the audiobook. I’m not on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter, so we’re sending out this email :)
   Also, I’ll be donating a portion of the proceeds to support early childhood education nonprofits I’m involved with, so “buy it for the kids!”
   The book will be officially released on October 4, 2022. Pre-order it on Amazon.
   For bulk orders, contact, Heather (heather@amplifypublishing.com).
Thanks for your support, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book!
Alan Ying