




 大會宣傳部 北美新視界

  2022年第三屆美國華人大會壓軸的GALA晩宴于7月16日當晩隆重舉行,各大奬項陸續頒發,實至名歸, 部分未能到場的嘉賓也送來致謝視頻,讓我們回顧一下獲奬名單:
1. 美國華人終身成就奬:葉梅(Mae Yih)
2. 社會正義貢獻奬:胡安明(Anming Hu)、Philip Lomonaco、Jamie Satterfield
3. 美國華人公民領袖奬:李録(Li Lu)
4. 張純如人文奬:格雷戈里·諾克斯(R. Gregory Nokes)
5. 中華文化傳承奬:艾倫趙瓊(Ellen Qiongzhao Schicktanz)、周知方(Vincent Zhou)
6. 美國華人靑年領袖奬:Christina Lu
7. 美華企業社會責任奬:倪舉凌(Eddie Ni)
8. 美國華人慈善貢獻奬:唐騮千(Oscar L. Tang)和徐心梅(Agnes Hsu-Tang)
9. 杰出國會議員奬:拉斯金(Jamin Ben Raskin)


葉梅(Mae Yih)

   葉梅(Mae Yih)原名鄧稚鳳(Chih Feng Dunn),1928年5月24日生於中國上海。她曾在上海的聖約翰大學就讀。1948年9月,她轉學到紐約市的巴納德學院,1951年畢業,獲得經濟學學士學位。她去哥倫比亞大學攻讀會計碩士學位,但沒有完成。1953年,她嫁給了史蒂芬·葉(Stephen Yih),後來和斯蒂芬一起搬到了俄勒岡州的奧爾巴尼。
   在奧爾巴尼,葉梅在她孩子的學校做志願者,最終通過競選進入當地的學校董事會。她于1969年開始在Clover Ridge小學董事會任職,1975年進入奧爾巴尼聯合高中董事會。1976年,當地民主黨主席邀請葉梅競選俄勒岡州衆議院議員。葉梅擊敗了一名在任14年的共和黨對手,贏得了選舉,于1977年就職。之後,她在衆議院擔任了三個兩年任期的議員。1982年,葉梅決定競選俄勒岡州參議員,並贏得選舉,在1986年、1990年、1994年和1998年再次當選。葉梅當選爲1993-1995年屆會臨時議長。她于2002年決定不再謀求連任,並于2003年1月卸任。
   作爲一名保守的民主黨人,葉梅取得了許多成就,包括通過法律建立企業區以促進創造就業機會;設立俄勒岡州駐上海貿易代表辦公室,以加強俄勒岡州與中國之間的貿易;推進兒童撫養立法以加快兒童撫養並減少公共援助;通過永久糾正立法起草錯誤,爲林縣(Linn County)居民提供平等的房産稅減免;爲地區靑少年毒品和酒精治療中心撥款;鼓勵性禁欲以減少靑少年懷孕的學校課程;爲廊橋的修復和預防性維護提供彩票基金,以及一項評估威拉米特河(Willamette River)健康狀况的硏究。
   2003年退休後,她獲得了奧爾巴尼商會頒發的杰出服務奬。這也是她的丈夫在1968年獲得的奬項。她的地區辦公室所在的奧爾巴尼街葉巷(Yih Lane),就是以她的家族命名的。

Yih was born Chih Feng Dunn on May 24, 1928 in Shanghai, China. She went to St. John’s University in Shanghai. In September 1948, she transferred to Barnard College in New York City, graduating in 1951 with a bachelor's degree in economics. She went to Columbia University for a master's degree in accounting but did not complete. In 1953 she married Stephen Yih and later moved to Albany, Oregon with Stephen.

In Albany, Yih volunteered at her children's school, eventually running for the local school board. She started service on the Clover Ridge Elementary School board in 1969, moving to the Albany Union High School board in 1975. In 1976, the local Democratic Party chairperson asked Yih to run for the Oregon State House. Yih won the election, defeating a Republican opponent who had 14 years of incumbency. Yih took office in 1977. She went on to serve three two-year terms in the House. In 1982, Yih decided to run for a seat in the Oregon State Senate. She won this election, and was re-elected in 1986, 1990, 1994, and 1998. Yih was elected Senate President Pro Tempore for the 1993–1995 session. Yih decided not to seek re-election in 2002 and retired at the end of her term in January 2003.

Known as a conservative Democrat, Yih's many accomplishments included passage of laws establishing Enterprise Zones to promote job creations; Office of Oregon Trade Representative in Shanghai to enhance trade between Oregon and China; child support legislation to expedite child support and reduce public assistance; equal property tax relief for Linn County residents by correcting a legislative drafting error permanently; appropriation for regional Adolescent Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center; school curriculum to encourage sexual abstinence to reduce teen pregnancy; lottery funds for the rehabilitation and preventive maintenance of covered bridges and a study for assessing the health of the Willamette River. Yih was also known as a strong supporter of field burning because it is a more effective control of disease and insects than the use of chemicals. Yih introduced and passed legislation to establish sister state relationship with Fujian province, China in 1983. She accompanied Oregon governor Atiyeh to sign the agreement with Governor of Fujian province in 1984. Yih organized legislative leadership trade delegation to visit Fujian province and other cities in China in 1992, 1997, 2000, and 2002. Yih was awarded Honorary Citizen of Fujian Province in 1994.

Following her retirement in 2003, Yih received the Distinguished Service Award from the Albany Chamber of Commerce. This is the same award that her husband received in 1968. The Albany street Yih Lane, where her district office was, is named for her family.



胡安明(Anming Hu)

   胡安明是加拿大華裔,2013年起擔任田納西大學諾克斯維爾分校機械、航空和生物醫學工程系助理敎授,2019年7月被任命爲終身副敎授。當局對胡敎授進行了18個月的監視後,于2020年2月27日將他逮捕,理由是他未披露與一所中國大學的聯繫。田納西大學也將其開除。然而,胡敎授拒絶認罪,並決定在法庭上抗辯。他的案件是美國司法部開展“中國行動”計劃以來受審的第一個學術案件。在他的決心、勇氣和家人朋友的支持下,一年半後的2021年9月9日,胡敎授被法庭宣判無罪釋放。到目前爲止,這是唯一一起法院駁回所有指控的學術案件。然而,如果沒有他的辯護律師菲爾·洛莫納科(Phil Lomonaco)和前諾克斯新聞記者杰米·賽特菲爾德(Jamie Satterfield)的大力支持,他不可能打贏這場官司。

Dr. Anming Hu is a Chinese-Canadian who had worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville since 2013 and was protomtoed to tenured associate professor at July, 2019. On February 27, 2020, after 18 months of surveillance, he was arrested for not disclosing his association with a Chinese university and was terminated by the University of Tennessee. However, Professor Hu refused to plead guilty and decided to fight his case at the court. His case was the first academic tried under the “China Initiative.” With his determination and courage and support of his family and friends, one and half years later, on September 9, 2021, the trial resulted in acquittal and Hu was cleared of all charges. So far this is the only academic case that the court dismissed all charges. However, he could not win the case without the strong support of his defense attorney A Philip Lomonaco and former Knox News reporter Jamie Satterfield.



菲爾·洛莫納科(Phil Lomonaco)

   洛莫納科就讀于田納西大學法學院,1985年進入美國東區地方法院,1986年進入田納西州最高法院。他是A. Philip Lomonaco律師事務所的創始和管理合夥人,該公司于1987年在田納西州諾克斯維爾創立。他連續多年被選爲諾克斯維爾最佳律師之一,並于2009 - 2010年、2013 - 2015年、2017 - 2020年被選爲美國最佳律師之一。洛莫納科不僅僅是胡敎授的辯護律師。在這備受煎熬的兩年審理期間,他和妻子Yanli Du以朋友的身份支持着胡敎授一家。

Phil Lomonaco attended the University of Tennessee College of Law and was admitted to the United States District Court for the Eastern District in 1985 and the Tennessee Supreme Court in 1986. He is the founding and managing partner of the Law Offices of A. Philip Lomonaco, starting the firm in Knoxville, Tennessee in 1987. He was selected as one of the Best Lawyers in Knoxville for many years, and selected as one of the Best Lawyers in America in 2009 – 2010, 2013 – 2015, 2017 – 2020. Phil is more than Professor Hu’s defense attorney. He and his wife Yanli Du provided support to Hu's family as personal friends through these two difficult years.



杰米·賽特菲爾德(Jamie Satterfield)

   當田納西大學胡安明敎授成爲第一個在田納西州諾克斯維爾因“中國行動”計劃被審判的學者時,大多數媒體報道只是簡單地重複了檢方提出的指控。然而,就在2021年6月7日審判開始的前一周,美國地方法院法官瓦蘭(Thomas a . Varlan)的書記員打電話給賽特菲爾德,建議她報道胡安明的案子。

Jamie Satterfield is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years of experience. Honors include a Scripps Howard Award for uncovering the poisoning of the workforce of the nation's largest coal ash spill and induction into the East Tennessee Writer's Hall of Fame. She built a reputation as a prolific and hard-nosed crime and courts reporter, but in recent years added environmental reporting to her beat following the 2008 disaster at the Kingston coal-fired power plant.

When University of Tennessee professor Anming Hu became the first academic to go to trial under the “China Initiative” in Knoxville, TN, most media coverage simply repeated the accusations made by the prosecutors. However, a week before the trial started on June 7, 2021, the clerk of U.S. District Court Judge Thomas A. Varlan called and suggested Jamie Satterfield to KnoxNews to cover Dr. Hu’s trial.

Satterfield’s coverage of the trial brought Dr. Hu’s case under national spotlight. In particular, her five reports starting on June 7 revealed the false accusations made by federal agents in their zeal to find a spy for China and the mishandling of the case by the University of Tennessee. After the judge declared a mistrial on June 16, Satterfield published four additional reports analyzing Dr. Hu’s case between June 23 and August 2 when the government requested the second trial, which was dismissed by Judge Varlan on September 9, 2021.

Satterfield’s reports also played a pivotal role in changing the public opinion about how the University Tennessee mishandled Dr. Hu’s employment and the reinstallation of his tenured position after Dr. Hu was acquitted of all charges.


Three of them together won a big case for the Asian American and scientific community, which might have also contributed to the end of the “China Initiative” in Feb. 2022.



李録(Li Lu)

  李録是喜馬拉雅資本(Himalaya Capital)的創始人兼董事長,該司是一家規模數十億美元的投資公司,主要專注于亞洲和美國的長期投資。他于1997年底創立了該公司,並一直運營主要基金。
李録是亞裔美國人基金會(TAAF)的聯合創始人和董事會主席。他共同創立了洛杉磯慈善守護者基金會(Guardians of the Angeles Charitable Foundation),以應對全球COVID-19危機,現在擔任該基金會的董事會主席。他目前擔任哥倫比亞大學董事會成員和加州理工學院(Caltech)董事會成員。

Li Lu, is the founder and Chairman of Himalaya Capital, a multi-billion-dollar investment firm that primarily focuses on long-term investment opportunities in Asia and the U.S. He founded the firm in late 1997 and has been running its principal fund ever since.

Li Lu was born and raised in China. Li Lu attended Columbia University where he received three degrees simultaneously: B.A., J.D., and M.B.A. from Columbia College, Law School, and Business School.

Li Lu is the co-founder and board Chair of The Asian American Foundation (TAAF). He co-founded the Guardians of the Angeles Charitable Foundation to combat the global COVID-19 crisis and now serves as its board Chair. He currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of Columbia University and a member of the Board of Trustees of California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

Li Lu is a member of the Committee of 100, the Council on Foreign Relations, and an Aspen Institute Henry Crown Fellow. He is featured in the Smithsonian Institute's Family of Voices, part of the ongoing Many Voices, One Nation exhibition at the National Museum of American History. He is the author of Moving The Mountain: My Life in China (1990 in English) and Civilization, Modernization, Value Investing---and China (2020 in Chinese). Li Lu was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2020.



格雷戈里·諾克斯(R. Gregory Nokes)

  格雷戈里·諾克斯是《掙脫枷鎖:俄勒岡領土上的奴隸審判》和《爲黃金而被屠殺:地獄峽谷的中國人》的作者。在擔任美聯社和《俄勒岡人報》的記者和編輯期間,諾克斯周遊世界。他畢業于威拉米特大學(Willamette University),並在哈佛大學擔任尼曼硏究員。他披露了1887年30多名中國淘金者在地獄峽谷被殺害的事件。這一報道使該地點被正式命名爲中國屠殺灣(Chinese Massacre Cove),俄勒岡公共廣播公司以此拍攝紀録片。

R. GREGORY NOKES is the author of Breaking Chains: Slavery on Trial in the Oregon Territory and Massacred for Gold: The Chinese in Hells Canyon. He traveled the world as a reporter and editor for The Associated Press and the Oregonian. A graduate of Willamette University, he attended Harvard University as a Nieman Fellow. His reporting on the 1887 murders of more than thirty Chinese gold miners in Hells Canyon resulted in a formal designation of the site as Chinese Massacre Cove and was the basis for an Oregon Public Broadcasting documentary. Greg and his wife, Candise, live in West Linn, Oregon.

“Massacred for Gold: The Chinese in Hells Canyon” traces the Nokes’ long, personal journey to expose details of the massacre and its aftermath to understand how the crime was kept in the dark for so long. In the book, he tells of the experience of the tens of thousands of Chinese who journeyed across the Pacific to mine gold and build railroads throughout the American West and how hostility toward the Chinese resulted in Congress enacting the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882. The book is the first authoritative account of the long-forgotten 1887 massacre of as many as 34 Chinese gold miners in Oregon’s Hells Canyon.


艾倫趙瓊(Ellen Qiongzhao Schicktanz)


Ellen Qiongzhao is a professional artist (oil painting and sculpture) and a senior curator of international art events, a doctor of literature and art history. President of the American Goddess Art Museum and Deputy Secretary of the Rodin International Artists Foundation. She graduated from Kyoto University of Art and design in Japan, Northwest University Writer Class in China and Tokyo Waseda University in Japan. She has participated in many international art exhibitions and her work has been collected or used as urban art landscape by many institutions, such as Fuji Art Museum of Japan, the Museum of the American Revolution, The National Constitution Center ,The American Chinese Museum and World Foundation of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and other institutions. She immigrated to the United States in 1997 as a distinguished artist and later became a U.S. citizen. In 2018 Ellen Qiongzhao received the “Ellis Island Medal of Honor” at the American Multicultural Supreme Immigration Awards.

In 2019, as the first Asian artist, she successfully held a personal oil painting and sculpture art exhibition at the National Memorial of the Federal Hall in New York ( where the first US President George Washington was inaugurated ). The Chinese Cultural Foundation of the United States and the Rodin International Artists Foundation co-sponsored, supported by the National Memorial of the Federal Hall in New York and provided exhibition venues. She has earned the highest honor and excellence award at the 43rd New York Art expo 2021. At the same time, the New York Times Square NASDAQ big screen broadcast Ellen's award-winning information and her oil painting sculpture series.


周知方(Vincent Zhou)


Vincent Zhou is an American figure skater. He is a 2022 Olympic Games team event silver medalist, a two-time World bronze medalist (2019, 2022), the 2021 Skate America champion, and a three-time U.S. national silver medalist (2017, 2019, 2021).

Vincent, US National Olympic Team Skater, proudly demonstrated his Chinse Heritage in the Olympics as well as other worldwide competitions. Recognized that "this Olympics is going to be the most significant competition of my career" as a US athlete, he selected the traditional Chinese style garments, used Chinese music from Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger in his programs, and greeted the audience with a traditional Chinese greeting of clenching his hands (抱拳). He presents his Chinese heritage and culture in the broadest world theater with pride.


Christina Lu

   18歲的Christina Lu是費城中央高中的一名高三學生。2021年11月17日,Christina放學回家時,注意到一群非裔女孩在“折磨”另一群在該校上學的亞裔學生。當她試圖干預時,這群騷擾者轉向她,將她傷害到需要住院治療的程度。這次襲擊再次引發了費城亞裔社區對種族暴力的擔憂。事件發生兩天後,Christina的母親YLin Chen和哥哥Michael Lu爲她創立了一個名爲“支持Christina倡導公共安全”的GoFundMe募捐,旨在打擊亞裔仇恨犯罪,提倡學生安全乘坐公共交通。超過1.3萬名捐贈者爲爲她募捐了超過70萬美元。

Christina Lu is an 18-year-old senior at Central High School in Philadelphia. On Wednesday, Nov. 17 2021, Christina was riding home from school when she noticed a group of Black girls “tormenting” another group of Asian-American students who attend Central. When she tried to intervene, the group of harassers turned on her, injuring her to the extent that she required hospitalization. The attack has reignited fears in Philly’s Asian communities about racially motivated violence. Two days after the attack, YLin Chen and Michael Lu, the mother and brother of Christina, set up a GoFundMe for her, entitled “Support Christina in Advocating for Public Safety”, to campaign against Asian hate crimes and advocate for the safety of students when taking public transportation. The campaign raised more than $700,000 with more than 13,000 donors.


倪舉凌(Eddie Ni)

   倪舉凌是一位華裔美國商業領袖、企業家、社會活動家和慈善家。作爲他的全球商業帝國——聯豐集團(Windfall Group)的首席執行官,他在餐飲、建材、房地産和生物技術等多個領域頗有建樹,在金融和政治領域具有一定影響力。《克萊恩商業雜誌》(Crain's Business Magazine)、《老實人報》(Plain Dealer)和許多中文報紙雜誌都稱他爲“最優秀的美籍華人商業模式之一”。

Own importing & exporting businesses for building materials; President & Chairman of Real Estate Development Companies, develop high rise & sky scraper buildings, commercial & residential buildings in United States & China; shopping center development in U.S

Eddie Ni is a Chinese-American business leader and entrepreneur, social activist and philanthropist. As CEO of Windfall Group, where his global empire was based, his financial and political influence as derived from his diverse holdings which included the catering industry, building material, real estate, and biotechnology led Crain’s Business Magazine, Plain Dealer, and many Chinese Newspaper and Magazines to call him 'one of the most excellent Chinese-American business models.


唐騮千(Oscar L. Tang)和徐心眉(Agnes Hsu-Tang)

   唐騮千是一位生於上海的美國金融家,資産管理公司Reich & Tang的聯合創始人。他畢業于耶魯大學,並在哈佛大學獲得工商管理碩士學位。唐騮千于2005年當選爲美國藝術與科學院院士。在此之前,他于2000年至2004年被任命爲紐約國務院藝術委員會成員,並于1990年至1993年被任命爲總統藝術和人文委員會成員。他還于1989年與馬友友、貝聿銘等人共同創立了百人會。
   就在過去的十年里,他們共同創立了牛津大學徐唐中國古典文學圖書館、伯克利大學絲綢之路唐氏硏究中心(Tang Center for Silk Road Studies)和哥倫比亞大學唐氏早期中國硏究中心(Tang Center for Early China)。此外,他們還向紐約歷史學會、紐約愛樂樂團和許多其他機構捐款,以支持中國藝術和東亞文化。他們于2021年11月向紐約大都會藝術博物館捐贈1.25億美元,用于資助翻修現當代藝術館。這是大都會藝術博物館收到最大的一筆捐贈資金。爲了紀念他們的慷慨捐贈,大都會博物館將現當代藝術館重新命名爲Oscar L. Tang and H.M. Agnes Hsu-Tang畫廊。
   在新冠肺炎疫情期間,他們共同發起了反對反亞裔暴力和歷史上對亞裔美國人的歧視的“黃色哨子”運動。該運動通過全國運動團體聯盟,在集會上免費發放了50萬個印有“WE BELONG”口號的定制黃色口哨,並得到了全國媒體的廣泛報道,以提高人們的意識。

Oscar Liu-Chien Tang (唐騮千) is a Shanghai-born American financier who co-founded Reich & Tang, an asset management firm. He graduated from Yale and received an M.B.A. from Harvard. Tang was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2005. Prior to this, he was appointed to the New York State Council on the Arts from 2000 to 2004 and the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities from 1990 to 1993. He also co-founded the Committee of 100 with Yo-yo Ma, I.M. Pei and others in 1989.

Dr. Hsin-Mei Agnes Hsu-Tang (徐心眉) is a Taipei-born archaeologist and art historian. She received her Ph.D. in Chinese art and archaeology from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Hsu-Tang was a Mellon fellow at Cambridge and an assistant professor of Chinese archaeology at Brown. She is Chairwoman of the New-York Historical Society board of trustees and a Distinguished Consulting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Dr. Hsu-Tang works in cultural heritage protection and rescue and has advised UNESCO and the U.S. Cultural Property Advisory Committee.

Just over the past ten years, they have co-founded the Hsu-Tang Library for Classical Chinese Literature at Oxford University, the Tang Center for Silk Road Studies at Berkeley, and the Tang Center for Early China at Columbia University. In addition, they have also donated to the New-York Historical Society, New York Philharmonic and many other institutions to support Chinese arts and East Asian cultures including the $125 million – the largest ever capital gift to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in November 2021 – to fund the renovation of the Modern and Contemporary Wing at The Met. In honor of their generosity, The Met has renamed the modern and contemporary galleries to the Oscar L. Tang and H.M. Agnes Hsu-Tang Wing.

During the COVID pandemic, they co-founded The Yellow Whistle campaign to combat anti-Asian violence and historical discrimination against Americans of Asian descent. The campaign distributed 500,000 free customized yellow whistles emblazoned with the slogan "WE BELONG" at rallies and through a national alliance of activist organizations and has received extensive national press coverage to raise awareness.


拉斯金(Jamin Ben Raskin)

   拉斯金(Jamin Ben Raskin)是一名律師和政治家,自2017年起擔任馬里蘭州第8國會選區代表。該選區位于華盛頓特區西北部富裕的蒙哥馬利郡,從弗雷德里克郡一直延伸到賓夕法尼亞州邊境。他曾于2007年至2016年以民主黨黨員身份在馬里蘭州參議院任職。

Jamin Ben Raskin is an American attorney and politician serving as the U.S. representative for Maryland's 8th congressional district since 2017. The district is located in Montgomery County, an affluent suburban county northwest of Washington, D.C., and extends through rural Frederick County to the Pennsylvania border. A member of the Democratic Party, he served in the Maryland State Senate from 2007 to 2016.

In Congress, Raskin is the chair of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties and the co-chair of the Congressional Freethought Caucus. He was also the lead impeachment manager for the second impeachment of President Donald Trump in response to the attack on the U.S. Capitol.Prior to his election to Congress, he was a constitutional law professor at American University Washington College of Law, where he co-founded and directed the LL.M. program on law and government and co-founded the Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project.

Representative Raskin openly denounced ethnic profiling in DOJ’s investigations of scientists of Chinese descent under China Initiatives, saying: “That is not acceptable in the United States of America, which was founded on principles of equality and justice. We reject guilt by association, we reject notions of collective guilt or ethnic or racial guilt. The United States is a welcoming place, it is open to people of all backgrounds and to creative ideas, and to scientific research and inquiry. That is how we established ourselves as a world leader in innovation and technology, by allowing for free-flowing thoughts and theories. By targeting people who are ethnically Chinese, without evidence, we are hampering our ability to be that world leader and we are harming an entire community.”



Dr. Bing Zhang 張冰 / Linda Li / Ching Juhl 陳清
Shirley Xiaohong Ma 馬曉紅
Ren Li 棟樑媽媽
Jian (Lily) Chen 陳健
Gary Guoliang Yu 兪國梁
Vicky Cheng 程以克
Hong Liu 劉紅

WeChat User Alliance/Keliang (Clay) ZHU
Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL)
New England Chinese American Alliance(NECAA)
Los Angeles Chinese Musicians Ensemble Chorus
Civic Leadership USA
United Chinese Americans of Washington
Austin Chinese-American Network

Tony XiaoJun Hu 胡曉軍
Dong Xiao Yue 岳東曉
Melanie Lin 林小梅
Qian Ge 葛倩
Mealey Tom
Joel Wong


Michael Makoto "Mike" Honda 麥克·本田
Steven Pei 白先愼
Elaine Peng 彭一玲、LindaBi畢躍玲
Karina Hou 侯慶宇

2022年UCA頒奬委員會成員包括:Gene Chang* (主席), Jing Bi (秘書), Jinliang Cai*, Lily Jan Chen, Diana Ding, Xiaomin Dong*, Shuiwen Song James*, Mintao Jiang, Tao Jiang, Steven Lin*, Steven Pei*, Haipei Shue*, Wai-Yin Tsang, Sophia Wen, Jan Xie*, Mingdi Yang, Gary Yu*, Bing Zhang and Xiao Yan Zhang*(帶有“*”的名字爲UCA董事會成員)。