

On One-Year Anniversary of American Rescue

 Plan, Rep. Brown Calls for Extension of

Child Tax Credit

WASHINGTON – Today, on the one-year anniversary of President Biden signing the American Rescue Plan into law, Rep. Shontel Brown called for an extension of the expanded Child Tax Credit. The American Rescue Plan expanded the amount of the Child Tax Credit and provided families with advance monthly payments totaling up to one-half of the credit, cutting child poverty by 40 percent. In 2021, the Child Tax Credit delivered $190.8 million in tax cuts to more than 70,000 families in Ohio’s 11th Congressional District.
   The expanded Child Tax Credit expired at the end of 2021. Since advance payments ceased in December 2021, more than 3.7 million children have fallen back into poverty, according to a new study from Columbia University.
   “The American Rescue Plan provided countless families with a much-needed tax cut last year through the expansion of the Child Tax Credit,” said Rep. Brown. “It lowered poverty, reduced hunger, and helped countless families pay rent and put food on the table. Unfortunately, millions of children have fallen back into poverty since this critical lifeline expired. Let’s be clear: child poverty is preventable. Congress can—and must—extend the Child Tax Credit to ensure families can make ends meet.”
   Families can claim their full Child Tax Credit by filing a tax return this year. In addition to the Child Tax Credit, the American Rescue Plan also expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit, increasing the amount working people with no qualifying children between 19 and 65 are eligible for from $543 to up to $1,502. To claim these funds, Ohioans must file a 2021 tax return, so the IRS has the information needed to calculate and issue their full payments.
   By filing their taxes by April 18th, hardworking Ohioans can make sure they receive the expanded Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit. Start the process by reviewing your tax filing options at ChildTaxCredit.gov, GetYourRefund.org, or by calling Rep. Brown’s office at 216-522-4900.