




I enjoy to die for
Peace of the World
Dr. Kenneth Kuanling Fan 2021
People enjoy war today
Peace is dead
The modern world of ours is mad. They know modern war is
killing each other all
in the same time,
And all sides are
still going for it bravely
despite science tells them
this is a worldwide mutual suicide.

H bomb
Though this Is mad.
But modern people still go for it with all the rationalizations - good for themselves.
Just like husband and wife fighting all the time
with many excuses
good mainly to oneself.
Power of Modern weapons
Are way beyond our understanding We must stop these now and fast Otherwise, we, human beings
and most of our cultures
built by our ancestors
Through the years
Will be wiped away
Beyond imagination
We are one special kind beasts Centered in our own interests We see nothing is good
Except they are
to our own interests
How can I die for peace? Through those horrible years I become an very old man Only 9 years away from 100
I know a wonderful General Han well He flies the first Chinese fighter
To knock down an American fighter During the Korea War
As a hero
When I was only a college student In the worldwide known
Taiwan University
I watched him and his fight on TV
Taiwan University’s main gate

With all the honors
He couldn’t move much physically As I am
In age he is as old as I am
Maybe because he dedicated Most of his life to war
And I dedicated to peace
With a mind of peace Risking my life
I led the first delegation From Taiwan to motherland for love and peace
One has a mind of openness
That renders him or her
A life of youth
When one lives in a half-closed mind That renders

A life of oldness much sooner
That’s also why
91 years old man as I am
Still enjoying a life of 3 Hs
Healthy , happy and high-spirit and still preaching peace
through poems,paintings,papers
(Dr. Fan and his 21th Century art revolution - poetic oil paintings for peace. Photo taken 2021. He is 91 years old)
All my life,I’ve tried always
be in peace with people
A smile instead of an anger A giving instead of a taking A peace instead of a war
I’ll behave always like the above I’ll smile instead of cry
Instead of perish meaninglessly for mutual perishable wars
In the world of ours
Who doesn’t die?
I enjoy to die for peace!
Even ended as this horrible scenery
Maybe, in this beautiful
but confusing world of ours
you can still see me
alive someway in lovers tears even with a smile before death for peace of tomorrow!

Poem 詩形式 和平奬

91 yrs old
108 countries educational bk parents
near death
The world is crazy
I'll awaken it
people easy to believe
  世界上有一個奇怪的人,他出生在中國原來舊首都南京市,他家的小花園,正好與玄武湖連在一 起,他成長在台灣台北市,在美國世界大都市紐約市受過敎育。 走遍世界五大洲100多個國家。他見過阿比西尼亞皇帝,泰國國王,法國,波蘭,許多國家的總統。學過文學,法律,政治,國際關係,工商管理,結果變成中國十大之父之一的中國電腦之父。 又是中國敎育部上面的我國的著名畫家著名畫家從古到今一共49位有43位,還剩下六位自己還排名在第二。



原創2022-01-10 01:24·熱情陽光pL