

APIAVote’s Top 5 Accomplishments in 2021

Since 2007, APIAVote and our partners in 28 states have worked tirelessly to engage and empower our Asian and Pacific Islander communities to become civically engaged and heard from city hall to the White House. The high water mark our electorate made in 2020 and again in the local and state races in ‘21 were dividends paid on over the years of investments we made in community outreach, educating and mobilizing the electorate, and supporting our partner network.
This year, we continued to build the political power we seeded in 2020. We would like to highlight some of our accomplishments from this year:
Through our Norman Y. Mineta Leadership Institute, we trained community members across 12 states, giving them the leadership training, tools and know-how to effectively participate in this year’s redistricting process that empowered AAPIs to have their say in how they should be represented in states like Texas, Arizona, North Carolina, and New Jersey.
To encourage our communities to get vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19, we trained a team of volunteers and contacted over 215, 240 (so far!) across the country through text banking. We also disseminated multilingual information on COVID-19 and vaccines through social media campaigns and directed users to our web resources, where they got to better understand the importance of COVID-19 vaccines, and learn how to get one!
We worked with our partner network to empower AAPIs to vote in the 2021 local and state-wide elections, reinforcing a voting habit. Together with our partners we connected with tens of thousands of AAPI households through our translated mailers and text and phone banking. Our voter outreach also resulted in an increased number of calls received through our 1-888-API-VOTE hotline, where voters can get assistance and have questions answered about voting and the elections in the language they are most comfortable with. We strengthened our disinformation monitoring around voting rights, our democracy, and problematic narratives within or about AAPI communities. Our professionalized monitoring is arming our partners with the information to fight back against false and poor information.
We continued to directly invest in our partner network by subgranting $180,000 to 11 community partners, a significant portion of which offset the cost of building program infrastructure to engage with the redistricting process in their respective states.
We look forward to continuing working with our partners and supporters in 2022 to advance our vision in creating a world that is inclusive, fair, and collaborative, and where Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are self-determined, empowered and engaged!

Christine Chen is a co-Founder and Executive Director of Asian Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote), one of the most trusted national, nonpartisan organizations. APIAVote’s mission is to work with local and state community based organizations (CBOs) to mobilize Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities in electoral and civic engagement. Since 2007, APIAVote has been building power in AAPI communities by investing in their capacity and infrastructure to mobilize voters. This investment, as well as, proactively training and resourcing community leaders across the country, paid off in the 2020 election cycle and Census. Under Chen’s leadership, APIAVote strengthened and expanded APIAVote's partners into 28 states and made two historical milestones; attracted, then candidate Joe Biden to speak directly to the AAPI electorate, a first in history for a Presidential nominee, and second, contributed to the groundwork that led to the highest AAPI voter turnout in history.
Chen has been a champion for the empowerment of AAPI communities from the start of her career. Moving to Washington, DC, from Ohio, she took on organizing and leadership roles at the Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA), and started a consulting firm, Strategic Alliances USA which was built on her broad and deep pool of relationships and skills in the AAPI community and in government. Chen’s firm included clients such as the Linsanity documentary, Comcast, and USDA to coordinate their outreach to Hmong farmers in Arkansas. While serving as Executive Director of OCA National from 2001 to 2006, Chen served as a member of the executive committee of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, founding member of APIA Scholars, and served on numerous boards including the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans and Demos Board of Trustees. She currently serves on the Kennedy Center Community Advisory Board and the Center for Asian American Media.
Position Executive Director