

Donate to UCA 請捐款支持我們

Dear UCA Friends and Family,
   Today is Giving Tuesday — a day for people to give back to the organizations, charity and causes that matter to them.
Today, all Giving Tuesday gifts will be MATCHED— dollar-for-dollar up to $50,000 by one of UCA's generous donors.
   Your gift today will provide the lifeline for UCA to better fulfill her mission to serve, lead and inspire our community. UCA has been fighting to protect the civil rights of Chinese Americans, impact public policy, especially on Capitol Hill, train next generation for their leadership, and define and nurture a strong and proud Chinese American identity, culture and way of life.
Support UCA and be part of our civic movement!!
Please don’t wait — donate now on giving Tuesday!
UCA的朋友們,大家好!今天是Giving Tuesday,有一位UCA的長期支持者承諾捐出5萬美元作爲UCA年底籌款活動的Match Fund,條件是如果我們能在年底前籌到15萬美元,他將捐出5萬美元match我們的捐款。希望大家發動起來爲UCA籌款!支持UCA,回饋社區,請捐款幫助我們做得更好!
With gratitude,
Haipei Shue
UCA (United Chinese Americans)