


Washington, D.C. - Christine Chen, Executive Director of Asian and Pacific American Vote makes the following statement in response to the growing number of violent attacks targeting the Filipino community in San Diego, CA.
   APIAVote condemns the violence targeting Filipinos in San Diego, CA. The growing number of attacks against the elderly and the surge in domestic violence cases is a terrible reminder that anti-Asian hate and violence cannot be just another item in the news cycle. We stand with our neighbors and community leaders demanding access to resources to better educate and address these acts of violence in order to protect our Kababayans.
   We stand behind the emotive words of our National Field Director, Raymond Partolan, “As a Filipino American, I am absolutely appalled at the recent uptick in violence against Filipino Americans in San Diego. We cannot tolerate these attacks. We will fight tooth and nail to ensure that the Filipino American community and all Asian American and Pacific Islander communities feel safe and secure in their homes, neighborhoods, towns, and cities. We call on our elected officials at every level of government to address this threat or be held accountable at the ballot box as we educate our communities about the need to register to vote and turn out to vote.”
   Asian Americans and Pacific Islander populations are quickly growing in every major city, including San Diego. As our electorate grows in strength, we need to ensure our elected officials understand and acknowledge our needs for personal safety, as well as our right to prosper. We call on all community members to make your voices heard by reaching out and working with local organizations, like the Asian Pacific Islander Initiative and the Filipino Resource Center, who are advocating for our communities and holding their government and elected officials accountable. In short, the community will make its issues known by voicing its concerns through such organizations and will make their voices heard by voting.
   About APIAVote: Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote) is a national nonpartisan organization that works with partners to mobilize Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) in electoral and civic participation. APIAVote envisions a world that is inclusive, fair, and collaborative, and where AAPI communities are self-determined, empowered, and engaged. See our website for more information at http://www.apiavote.org/