Scioto park )旌旗招展,人聲鼎沸,武術高手競相登台,文化展示相映成趣。
俄州功夫太極日以推廣中國民族傳統文化爲己任,呈現給世界人民一場異彩紛呈的文化盛宴! 弘揚中華民族傳統文化,傳承武術精神
活動現場豐富多彩 ,百人演練傳統少林拳,千人的集體太極拳,川劇變臉,傳統文化旗袍秀 ,傳統舞蹈,針灸 ,茶藝 ,書法
,中國空竹..把中華文化獨特的精神內涵呈現給世界人民, 文化是民族的血脈,是人民的精神家園
本次活動,團結了俄亥俄州的總共二十多家不同的武術學校, 文化機構
感謝所有贊助商 對華人社區文化推廣的支持 !
Welcome 5th Annual Kung Fu Tai Chi Day. We are so happy that you
are all here! It’s been a hard year and a half for everyone. Last
year we had to cancel the event due to the pandemic. We are grateful
that we can host this event in person again this year. We cannot do
this without all of your support!
I want to thank major Chris Amorose Groomes for the support from
the city of Dublin. We are honored to be a part of this great
community. I want to thank Dr. Lu for the support from the Asian
Festival family. We are proud to work with Asian Festival and
promote Chinese culture. I also want to thank my team, the Ohio
international kung fu Tai chi association, without their hard work
we would not be able to achieve the success.
What is Kung Fu? It means supreme skill from hard work. Today it’s
your time to showcase your skills! I know you will all do great!
Thank you for your support! Chinese martial arts stand up!