


The Sonorous and Wonderful Melody on the Fingertips

- 採訪匹兹堡琵琶大師楊瑾老師(女士)

- An interview of the Pittsburgh Pipa master Ms. Yang Jin


作者:鴻雁 文字校對:計冠光 譯者:Jenny Zhang/

By: Hong Yan Translated by Jenny Zhang

Every morning, I can’t help but open a video: a thousand miles of glittering waves in the Blossoming Moonlit Night by Spring River along which nowhere is the silver satellite not found. Then suddenly the music shift to the warm-blooded ultimate warpath in the Ambush from Ten Sides. Then there is the merging sky and sea in the Big Fish & Begonia, and all we do is to listen to the up and down of the wind and raindrops.
The passionate performance of the musician in the video made me feel wordless when writing. During many instances, I felt I can’t find a better way to praise the excellent tune using Ms. Yang Jin’s fingertips.
I had the honor is visiting Ms. Yang’s home on a Sunday afternoon. The second I met her, my nervousness went away as her domesticity eased my soul. A corner of the living room was taken over by several Pipa. The kids were hooping around, filling the house with a joyful and peaceful family atmosphere.
We all know that paternal love is like a steady and calm mountain. When she was ten years old, Ms. Yang was the only non-local student admitted into the elementary school affiliated with Central Conservatory of Music. And her father found a temporary job in Beijing to accompany her through that tough time. As a student when went through the 70s, I know exactly how hard it was for a non-local student to enter a school in the capital city. At the same time, the Central Conservatory of Music represents the standard and peak of music conservatories in China and is, therefore, the dream and a lifelong pursuit for many musicians.
There, Ms. Yang took every firm step of her music career. There once resided every note of her diligent practices, the world-level grandmasters of music whom she admired, and the perfect eyes expression during a beat of her finger. The Ambush from Ten Sides perfectly showcased her inner strength.
Ms. Yang and her Pipa enter the global stage very early on. During the more than 40 performances in Japan, she visited both cities and villages and became the honor of the nation. Her collaboration with “the piano prince” Richard Clayderman was a classic of a time. She also taught many well-known movie stars in China and shown them how to play during many classic clips of movies.
Wuhan Conservatory of Music accepted Ms. Yang as the first talent recruitment. Among the acceptances of several conservatories, Ms. Yang chose this school with its long history and the legacy of fostering first-class musicians and started her own journey of cultivating the music stars of the next generation. Later, she moved to Cleveland with her husband. This city was her first music paradise in the United States. Cleveland is a rather special city known for its music and medical industry. Under the exterior calmness of the city, there's also a surging spirit of progress and advancement.
Here is the home and cradle of many musicians. Ms. Lang settled down here and started her long and subtle journey of spreading the art of pipa – the crown jewel of Chinese instruments – in the United States.
Things were different once she came to Pittsburgh. Her concerts, whether in universities or concert halls, are always unprecedently packed with people. The applauses were ceaseless.

Here, Ms. Yang also started her career of passing the art of pipa to the next generation of music lovers. Her students ranged from four-year-old kids to some older music enthusiasts. This is rather hard for a teacher since students of different ages have different grasps and understanding of music. However, she was able to teach following each student’s specialty and allowed them to play wonderful songs within one year. In comparison, as all Chinese classical music lovers would know, this process normally takes two to three years.
When it comes to pipa playing, Ms. Yang's every sentence was filled with her obsession and love. Her explanation and demonstration of pipa’s difficulties, hand positions, music, and emotions showed me the meaning of “tuning and wheeling the strings for a few times, and the emotions are expressed before the music. All the hidden thoughts are told through the lowering eyes, relaxing hands, and the continuing waves of music.” The greater notes are like rapid rains and the smaller ones like gentle drops. Sometimes it is the falling of pearls of various sizes into a jade plate, other times it is the chattering of warbler in hidden bushes. The silence can be more significant than noise, and the noise can flow like a running spring…… It is needless to emphasize the amazingness and impassible to imagine its difficulty.
The world of music is rather endless. Ms. Yang’s dream is to bring the art and amazement of pipa to the next generation and the music communities around the world. She wishes to let this crown jewel of Chinese classical music enter the world stage and get the applause it deserves. We wish Ms. Yang can carry this dream and go further. By working together, we can pass on this heritage to the latter generation.
Although she was rushing to go to a performance at 4 o’clock, she accepted my request and played the Blossoming Moonlit Night by Spring River, the Ambush from Ten Sides,andthe Big Fish & Begonia for me. Every morning, I can’t help but to revisit and indulge in this video, this visual and auditorial masterpiece.
We would like to thank Ms. Yang for her warm-heartedness. We are touched by her devotion to Chinese classical music and her faithfulness in passing this cultural legacy down in a foreign setting. Let’s look forward to today's and tomorrow's of classical pipa music in the western world.
   在即將結篇的這里,我的腦海里總是浮現出楊老師的謙虛,和善的面容,還有那鏗鏘有力和溫柔似水的琵琶音符。我是不是眞的對這個樂器已經有瞭解不開的情緣 ?
As I am drawing my conclusion, I still can’t help but think of Ms. Yang’s modest and kind features and her powerful or gentle notes. Am I also attached to this music instrument now?