

不負靑春韶華 點亮希望之光

- 來自CASTP靑少年兒童畫展報道 作者:鴻雁(筆名)

  突如其來的一場全球的疫情,擾亂了有條不紊的生活節奏,先行者們與時間賽跑,與疫情抗爭,爲全人類奉獻和護航,在敬畏生命的旅程里,點亮了前行的希望。在沒有硝煙勝似硝煙的戰役里,旅美科技協會匹兹堡分會(CASTP ORGANIZATION),傾心舉辦了網上靑少年兒童藝術展,激勵孩子們和匹兹堡地區的人們,彙聚成光,用孩子的畫筆來祈禱明天會更好,讓冬日里繁星和春天里繁花一起綻放。
   旅美科技協會匹兹堡分會的組織者和志願者們,決定扛起重任, 自己先做到,用自己的力量激勵孩子們,在疫情不外出的新型模式的網課敎學中,如何做到心正則安,用愈發善良的心去迎接不能改變的事實,用勇氣去創造新的學習生活模式,用智慧和知識去分辨眞善美,用神奇的畫筆和美麗的想象感激勇者爲我們的守護。感謝老師克服各種困難讓我們的網絡課堂不失精彩,感恩在艱難疫情里,相互理解,用眞誠和溫暖來共度難關。學會了我們微笑了,我們的同學,我們的老師,我們的家就會微笑,每個家微笑了,社區就微笑了,每個社區微笑了,社會就微笑了,溫暖的力量就會融化所有的寒冬,讓世界的每個角落開滿了愛的鮮花朶朶。

  From Mr. Anthony Goodwin (The chief of the art department at Shadyside Academy)
   The artworks that I viewed are a very good exhibition. I was thinking that my experience with a concurrent regional / national art show, that emphasizes awards, leaves a lot of students/children disappointed and is very judgmental as to the worth of the art submitted. I'm seeing your exhibit as more of a celebration, and I think that tone is beneficial and inclusive, especially for your inaugural visual arts chow.
   From Harish Saluja (Pioneered in promoting Indian music on public radio and bringing Asian films to Pittsburgh)-
I hope this will be successful and will continue on a continual basis. We need more such projects to heal a fractured society…
   From Joan Newland & Nancy Rierson (Retired artists who juried various art shows)-
   Organized by CASTP organization, over ninety students from area schools in Kindergarten through twelve grades were represented. Subject matter included the pandemic and the Chinese New Year including subjects of the students’ choice.
   The show represented a high level of creative talent and a mastery of mediums that they used which ranged from pencil to digital. The artwork was fanciful, original, imaginative and colorful and showed a mastery of their chosen medium. Subjects included animals, cartoon characters, figures and scenes.
   With a wide variety of representations, the artwork depicts comic and serious situations. The artist accompanied the paintings with a brief description.
Viewers will enjoy the music and the exhibit of the creative talent of the students’ work. Each can be proud of their paintings.
