


Original Kevin Chen 俄州亞太聯盟

Speaker: Kevin Chen
   During the recent “Stop Asian Hate” event in Cincinnati, I heard many powerful voices. Many API community members and leaders shared their personal experiences with racism and their grievances towards the United States. Leaders from other communities also participated in the event, showing their unwavering support and sharing the burden of the API community’s struggles. Thus, I feel empowered to share my own voice just like the other brave community members who spoke at the event. Growing up, my first few years of school was not always pleasant. For example, many of my peers made fun of my appearance by making slanted eye gestures while laughing at me. some of my classmates would also fake a Chinese accent and attempt to talk to me in that way because they believed I was not fluent in English. Although I was ignorant of these stereotypes as a young child, these incidents began to affect me personally as I progressed to middle and high school. In many ways, the model minority myth has affected others' perception of my character throughout those years. Accordingly, many of my classmates expected me to always achieve A-pluses on every single assignment and test. Given the nature of human beings, we are imperfect and susceptible to mistakes. Thus, I inevitably experienced some academic failures despite the belief that I was a straight-A student. When I would achieve below such expectations, my classmates reacted with extreme disbelief. They said that I was an ingenuine Asian. They said that I had disgraced my family name. Most painfully of all, they said that an unintelligent Asian is an anomaly: an individual who does not belong anywhere. When I did manage to succeed, people overlooked my achievements, believing that academic success was an automatic guarantee for Asian Americans.
   Thus, it is quite disheartening to see that during this COVID-19 Pandemic, Asian misconceptions have affected not only me, but also my entire beloved community. Accordingly, there has been a rise in Asian hate crimes worldwide, most commonly in predominantly Asian areas. To name some instances of such crimes, Pak Ho, a 75-year-old Asian elder, was beaten to death in Oakland, California, by three attackers. In New York, CNN News reports that at least ten Asian hate crimes were committed between January 1st to March 14th, a span of roughly three months. In San Francisco, a video surfaced of Xiao Zhen Xie, an Asian grandmother, with her face bruised and bloodied by her assailant. At the same time, she recalls her self-defense during the terrifying moment. Outrageously, paramedics were seen tending to the needs of the assailant rather than those of the elderly victim. Most recently, The tragedy in Atlanta, Georgia has garnered the most attention. Eight people, six of which were of Asian descent, were slaughtered in three Asian spa parlors. Currently, the perpetrator, Robert Long, refuses to admit that the attack is racially motivated. He instead states that sexual addiction and a desire to eliminate his sexual temptations led him to commit his crime. Simultaneously, many communities across the United States debate whether or not this was in fact a racially motivated attack. I believe that this attack undoubtedly stems from the race. In popular media, Asian women are often objectified and stereotyped as quiet and submissive individuals. These stereotypes are dangerous towards the Asian communities because it creates a sense of misogyny and racism among certain people when they discover that these stereotypes do not hold. Undoubtedly, Robert Long viewed Asian women as sexual objects and became frustrated at them when they refused his advances. As a result, this anger and frustration led him to commit his heinous crime.
   Among the many feelings I have about all these tragic hate crime stories, loneliness is one of the strongest feelings. Often, we as human beings struggle to understand what we have not experienced; thus, empathizing and sharing another's burden presents a challenge. Due to dangerous stereotypes such as model minority myths and Asian womens' portrayal in media, we as Asian Americans feel othered by society because we feel voiceless. We feel that the issues we face are not deeply considered or properly addressed by the mass media because people feel we deserve such mistreatment. As a whole, we demand that our voices are heard and our struggles recognized. Rather than euphemizing a killer's motives and intentions, such as having "a bad day" and suffering from unnamed "issues," news stories should shed light on the victims and the real and tragic nature of the event. Unfortunately, such change on the national scale is often slow. It may take years, decades, and even centuries. As a member of Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA), I believe that it is critical for the next generation of APIs to plant the roots of change. We must take the initiative and make a difference starting on the local level. Accordingly, Interracial Dialogue plays an important role in the betterment of Cincinnati and underrepresented people all over the United States. Although the Asian hate crimes that many APIs face are unique to our ethnicity and skin color, the nature of these issues can be related to racism and misconceptions. I believe that there are many other communities just like ours who face issues of racism, and we must come together and support one another. Therefore, I am deeply proud of the Cincinnati API community's efforts to reconcile our differences with similarly underrepresented communities through generous food drives and resource donations. By demonstrating that we care about and relate to them, we can foster a new culture of understanding. This allows us to create a stronger network of assistance for the API community's most vulnerable. Overall we as a whole need not despair society's dismissive attitude towards the APIs community. Instead, we must display patience and perseverance against these circumstances. We must all strive for higher representation and create a stronger network of protection for our community peacefully. In the end, only pain strengthens relationships, for love and hate are nexuses; love cannot arise if hate does not corrupt.

Junior at the Seven Hills School
APAPA Cincinnati Youth Chapter board member