


   張曼君要搬回洛杉磯,她爲川普工作了四年,四年,這也是她再度進白宮工作,她有很多回憶,很多不捨得:我明白情字當頭多么複雜,由於她的先生正在導演一步自己投資的電影,電影已經在後期製作,沒有辦法來幫太太,這幾天白天我和張曼君一起整理東西,晩上她讓我住Hilton ,她給我時間空間去休息和思考。
    張曼君住的公寓城市是Arlington,在她公寓附近一個長凳上,我到華盛頓第一天就見到一位亞裔流浪漢,這么冷的天住在外面,這位流浪漢名字叫John,他出生越南,在老撾長大,1981年19歲來美國讀書,後來20年説心里身體都出問題,就成了流浪漢。我讓他不要離開,我上樓拿吃的給他,他問我有沒有現金,等我下樓看到他與一位Eric Wilderness ,他説他也是一位流浪漢,是在海上流浪,他倆認識2年,我們還眞的聊起來,Erie從事Sailing,他是一個敎練,我問他危險嗎,他説當然,他給我看頭被劃破的地方,美國到處都像Eric一樣的好心人, John説每日都有人給他送好吃的,常常在他的長凳上放上午餐和晩餐,像Eric一樣的美國百姓心底善良,他們不會瞧不起流浪漢,他們用心交朋友,Eric 吿訴我他是怎么認識John的。

John & Eric 2021
John & Eric became friends two years ago on a sidewalk in Washington, DC area. John has been homeless for 20 years, Eric works nearby and is familiar with John's lifestyle in their Arlington, VA neighborhood. Two years ago, John & Eric greeted onanother, exhanged names and expressed concern for oneanother, then began a friendship. Recently, John&Eric hosted a Sailor Soup dinner party and shared their life journeys and struggles together. They enjoyed Vietnamese Style rice noodle PHO soup donated by the care and generosity of Ying Pu who graciously stepped into John's life on the street that same day. Ying Pu of Cleveland Ohio donated canned goods, including soups which John&Eric enjoyed that evening - THANK YOU YING!
John lives outdoors & exercises on Wilson Blvd in Arlington, VA Balston Neighborhood. Eric works as Sailing Instructor for the Sailing Club of Washington [www.scow.org]. Eric recently returned from a 10 day sailing passage from Maimi, Florida to New Orleans, Lousiana aboard SV Redemption; including a 24hour passage to Key West in 18-22kt wind with a 29kt gust. Sailing Key West Florida offers resplendent sun rise & sun sets; including manta rays, fishing astern, and dolphins alongside. After a day of rest in Key West, he departed for a 5 day passage across the Gulf of Mexico to New Orleans, Lousiana. Due to the geography and customary harsh weather patterns of the Gulf of Mexico, this region is not condusive to recreational sailing cruises, nonetheless, a rare favorable breeze was available to chart a reasonable, safe and managable sailing passage. Besides two shrimp boats off Key West, and one container vessel off New Orleans, no other marine traffic was encountered.
Sailing offshore in the North Atlantic includes learning the power of the Gulf Stream current, managing weather patterns and destination routes, as well as navigation safety with other vessels on the seas.
SV Redemption is a Kaufman 74, 18ton, 7.5' draft Cutter sailing vessel recently refit in its entirety.
Eric works as both sailing instructor & offshore sailing crew, helping vessels make their way across the North Atlantic from eastern shore marinas in Cheseapeake Bay to destinations such as Burmuda, USVI, Key West, and New Orleans. Contact Eric on instagram [EricWilderness].