2024 Asian Heritage Day celebration at City
Hall Rotunda was special for many reasons. In over a decade, the
Asian Heritage Day celebration was conducted on the first day of May
– starting the month long events celebrating Asian Heritage month
throughout Cleveland and NE Ohio. By geography and by history, Asia
is the largest continent in the world that includes 50 independent
countries starting with Afghanistan down to Yemen when listed
alphabetically and most diverse in languages, cultures,…
The celebration began with Asian Liaison, Chia-Min Chen, introducing
her director, Angela Shute-Woodson. With his gorgeous voice, Ariel
Flores, Labor Relations Officer from HR Department, sang our
National Anthem; then, Director of Community Relations Board, Angela
Shut-Woodson, gave her opening remarks and awards to Li Wah
Restaurant, Johnny Wu, Lisa Wong, Annie Pu, and Joyce Huang for
their contributions to the community over the years.
Certificate of Appreciation were
given to each member of the Asian Advisory Board City of Cleveland.
Lastly a proclamation was presented to the Zhang sisters in
recognition of their volunteer service to the City of Cleveland over
the years.
The Proclamation stated:
In recognition of Zhang Sisters
Where as, on behalf of the citizens of the City of Cleveland, I am
honored to offer this Proclamation in recognition of the Zhang
sisters; and,
Where as, Connie, Angie and Amy Zhang are three sisters trained in
Chinese Classical & Folk dance and acrobatic dances who have been
performing since they were young girls in China. Once the Zhang
sisters became top professional dancers, they were sent to present
acrobatic Chinese Classical dances on the global stage during world
tours. In 2000, they decided to leave their dance troupe and
emigrate to Cleveland, Ohio; and,
Where as, initially, Zhang sisters taught free dance classes to
students in Chinese schools in Cleveland’s Chinatown while Connie
Zhang started her small business with a single counter inside Asia
Plaza. By 2010, she was able to open The Sister’s Gift Shop offering
unique, imported items from China; and,
Where as, over the decades, Connie, Angie and Amy performed their
unique acrobatic Chinese dances and shared their talents and culture
with Clevelanders across the city. The Zhang sisters generously
performed at various events including Women History month
celebrations, Asian Heritage Day in City Hall. They routinely
supported the city in other events by having their students perform
both at East and West side venues; and,
Where as, Connie, Angie and Amy also started their Lingyun Rising
Start Gymnastics Dance School in 2007. In addition to sharing their
passion and talent with their students, they teach
character-building values such as respect, perseverance, and
cooperation. In 2015, the Zhang sisters founded their own non-profit
organization, Stellar Acrobatic Dance Academy with the mission to
provide an excellent cultural dance education for children from
low-income families. Some students are attending classes for free
because Zhang sisters want to stay true to their mission. Connie,
Angie and Amy use their highest quality dance training as a way to
support their students’ artistic, academic and moral growth and help
them become productive citizens. The Zhang sisters want all children
to have access to the joy of dancing. They want their students to
spread that joy to all audiences throughout the Greater Cleveland
community; and,
Where as, as a result, students from both dance schools have been
competing nationally and internationally annually. The dancers even
made it to America’s Got Talent semi-finalists one year. The
teachers and students are constantly striving to excel and improve
their dance skills and choreography. Within the last two years, both
dance schools have garnered Gold and First Place Awards for original
choreography and exceptional technique, underscoring their
unwavering dedication to artistic excellence.
Now therefore, I, Justin M. Bibb, the 58thMayor of the City of
Cleveland, do hereby offer this Proclamation thanking the Zhang
sisters for their continued support and for performing for Asian
Heritage Day in the City of Cleveland.
In witness thereof, I have set my hand and caused the Corporate
Seal of the City of Cleveland to be affixed on this 1stday of May in
the year 2024.
Mayor Justin M. Bibb
Katy Lee, the first Asian of Northern Ohio Administrative Assistant
from Social Security Administration, was the Keynote Speaker. Lee
shared her personal story of how her family immigrated from Taiwan
when she was a child. Lee begun her career as an engineer, followed
by working for the Peace Corp. in Tanzania before Lee found the
“right-fit” at the Social Security Administration office because
this job gave her not only a purpose in life, but also a mission of
serving people, especially those in the under-served communities.
Lee is in charge of 29 field offices in Ohio, of which nine are in
Cleveland. The Social Security Administration Office have materials
in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese languages.
However, other languages are also available upon request.
The evening was filled with performance after performance of
beautiful dancing from Zhang sisters’ students from both the Ling
Yun Rising Star and Stellar Acrobatic Dance Academy. The dances
1.漢唐舞:《清風麗影》 Dance of Han and Tang Dynasties: "Beautiful Dancer in
the Breeze"
2.古典舞:《書香》Classical dance: "Scent of Books"
3.傣族舞:《孔雀》Dai Dance: "Peacock"
4.古典舞:《桃花源》Classical dance: "Peach Blossom Spring"
5.古典舞:《絲路樂影》Classical dance: "Silk Road Beautiful Music Dancer"
6.古典舞:《綵綢舞》Classical dance: "Colored Silk Dance"
7.古典舞:《琵琶仙子》Classical dance: "Pipa Fairy"
8.民族舞:《薩吾爾》Folk dance: "Sawur"
9.古典舞:《鳳飛枝頭》Classical dance: "Phoenix Flying to the Branches"
10.古典舞:《絲路鼓韻》Classical dance: "Silk Road Drum Rhythm"
11.回族舞:《月亮的女兒》Hui Dance: "Daughter of the Moon"
The audience were awe struck be the beauty and the grace of the
classical Chinese dances, including some folk dances that are not
commonly seen anywhere. Many guests were busy recording the dances
on their cellphones. Everyone had a memorable evening.

5月1日,在克利夫蘭市政府隆重舉行了亞太裔傳統節日,市政府給予服務亞裔社區,美華協會多Lisa Wong
,亞洲節創始人多Johnny Wu 伊利華報浦瑛,還有其它亞裔社團和個人奬狀和奬牌,鼓勵大家再接再厲服務社區。
當日對來自克利夫蘭三姐妹的舞蹈學校爲大家表演的精彩節目,他們也得到克利夫蘭市長Justin Morris Bibb 特別奬牌。