10月9日下午4:54,Jack 給我郵件,介紹亞太廣播聯盟 (ABU)
時代,他説:2024年將看到3 萬億美元以上 IT 的交付,這是以前從未想象過的互動廣播協作通信平台服務于大衆。
未來世界是人工智能,許多事情都會用網絡硏討會視頻鏈接,呈現互聯網通信的未來,這是全球未來的産業,應該瞭解交互式內容交付網絡 (iCDN)
自從疫情以後,人的思想變了, 世界變化太快了,人已經無法安靜下來,
home. Mark馬上飛一般的把車開到了臨近的醫院,Jack心臟停止跳動10分鐘,
在Mark把車開到醫院門口,醫生就在醫院門口的草地搶救Jack,最後直升飛機把它就到了Cleveland Clinic main
campus, Building G, 6th floor, Room 5,我站在Jack的病床邊上,思緒萬千…..
杰克·柯來聖三世(Jack Craciun III)
被任命爲全國衛生聯合會(National Health Federation, NHF)/健康硏究基金會(Foundation for
Health Research, FHR)營銷和籌款執行董事
全國衛生聯合會歡迎杰克·柯來聖三世(John J. (“Jack”) Craciun III)先生加入 NHF
及其姊妹組織健康硏究基金會 (FHR) 的顧問委員會,並高興地宣佈任命他爲兩個組織的營銷和籌款執行董事的職位。
杰克·柯來聖是 ITM Ltd.(集團公司)和非營利組織未來醫學基金會(The Future of Medicine
“In Concert”。WNCR的成功使其有能力打入主流媒體,並通過滋生企業和消費者激進主義來打破腐敗的美國大企業、主流媒體和政府,從而導致美國乃至全世界的環保運動興起。
杰克在中國度過了超過 23
T. Mallery)曾經説過的那樣,“如果士兵在戰爭任務中不跨越國際邊界,那么貨物就必須在和平任務中跨越邊界。”和平的交易是杰克的目標。
前副總裁兼 NHF理事會成員、正分子(基于營養)醫學的先驅理查德·A·庫寧(Richard A. Kunin)博士的遺存啓發。他一生的工作開闢了醫學未來精髓的道路。庫寧博士在
2021 年 2 月去世前接受了TFMF名譽董事和顧問委員會成員的職位。
NHF總裁斯科特·提普斯( Scott C. Tips)和NHF理事會的其他成員很高興杰克以如此熱情的態度加入NHF團隊,並期待他的工作取得許多偉大的成就。
Chairman / CEO
董事長兼執行總裁 |
Mr. Jack Craciun III
Jack Craciun |
(Jack) John J. Craciun III, Chairman/CEO ITM Ltd. (Group of Cos.) is
an American-educated, globally recognized China Specialist whose
literally earth-shaking work in the fields of FM Radio broadcasting,
live event and film/video productions, Media communications, cross
cultural exchange, cross-over artist development, and third-world
market economic development, has consistently and repeatedly
redefined international consumer product manufacturing and branding
based on defining new media networks and related demographic groups
to deliver new consumer expendable income ratios. His hallmark
humanitarian endeavors and initiatives perpetuate the pioneering
spirit of his family name, “Craciun,” Romanian for “Christmas.”
Over the course of more than 33 years of dedication to global
Chinese cross-cultural exchange, Mr. Craciun spent over 20 years,
beginning in 1985, living in China pioneering as an American to help
build a nation that would become the number two economy on earth.
Now ITM's global job is to educate and entertain the world’s diverse
cultures by delivering insights into the vast history of the people
of China, the 10,000-year evolution of their culture, and their
contributions to mankind.
Brief Introduction to Jack Craciun III, ITM (China) Ltd. ITM (US)
A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. Craciun has extensive management
experience as Chairman, CEO and more than 45 years of global
business experience in the USA, European Union, and Pacific Rim
regarding third-world market industrial and economic development
that includes, but is not limited to, manufacturing, Technology
transfer, capital funding, and multilateral trade relations
Mr. Craciun founded ITM (China) Ltd. in 1984 as a Hong Kong-based
international network of communications executives, and entered
China in 1985 to pioneer as a nation-builder, initially representing
the Center for Manufacturing Technology, with his legacy of
trendsetting USA, European, and global cross cultural exchange
accomplishments in the fields of industry, finance, broadcast
communications, entertainment, therapeutic nutrition, and related
fields of education.
ITM (US) Ltd. is a globally recognized industrial development,
technology transfer, and consumer product manufacturing,
distribution, branding and licensing company with four wholly owned
specialist operations: ITM Communications, Trading, Capital Fund and
Consumer Product Divisions. The ITM (Group) has been acknowledged
for having opened up new markets for its proprietary projects, and
has successfully established – for a select client base – market
penetrations of varied and specific requirements, from the
establishment of a corporate entity’s presence, to product
manufacturing, branding and distribution.
See the full biography at ITM Introduction to Jack Craciun III & ITM. |