

Speed bump/ Speed tables


 Dear Community Partner,
Please see the email below from our Director Shute-Woodson regarding the latest speed bump/speed table installation. Feel free to share this information with area residents. Thank you.
Chia-Min Chen
Asian Liaison/Project Coordinator
Community Relations Board,
City of Cleveland

Beginning Monday, August 15, the City of Cleveland will begin installing 10 radar speed feedback signs at strategic locations across the city. These signs display the travel speeds of passing vehicles to increase drivers' attention and awareness and reduce speeding.
· The signs will be rotated to new locations monthly based on speed data and requests from Cleveland Police, City Council members, and residents.
· The City currently has 10 radar speed feedback signs purchased by the Cleveland Division of Police. In the coming months, 18 more will be procured using discretionary funding from Cleveland City Council.
· For the first month, the radar speed feedback signs will be installed in the following locations:
o West 85th – Madison to I-90
o Bosworth – Lorain to Bellaire
o Spring – West 11th to Broadview
o Storer Avenue – West 65th to West 44th
o E. 93rd – Cedar to Quincy
o E. 65th – Bessemer to Wren Ave
o East 116th – Buckeye to Dickens
o Miles Ave – E.131 to Lee
o Grovewood – East 156 to Marginal
o Green Road – Ridgehill to S Green
· Crews from the City’s Division of Traffic Engineering and Division of Streets will also be installing 9 rubber modular speed tables throughout the city in the coming weeks to slow traffic on residential roads with a documented speeding issue.
· More information about the City’s neighborhood traffic calming program is available at www.clevelandohio.gov/trafficcalming. This website includes a form where residents can request speed data collection or other traffic calming on their street.
Thank you.
Angela Shute-Woodson,
Senior Advisor
Community and Government Affairs
Director of Community Relations
Office of the Mayor Justin M. Bibb