



 Dear CWA members 親愛的會員,,
Summer is here. This is also the time to enjoy the flowers' beauty. We have invited Mr. Wilson Mei to show us some flower arrangement technique and hope you can join the online workshop.
Followings are the workshop information and flyer:
夏天到了。 你有沒有想過如何更好地揷你花園裡的花? 我們邀請梅文興先生向我們展示一些揷花藝術,希望您能參與。 詳情和附件如下:
Workshop Topic 展示題目 : Flower Arrangement Art 揷花藝術
Date & Time 日期和時間: 7/24/2022 Sunday 8:00pm to 9:00pm
Zoom Webinar ID 網絡編號: 853 176 9933
Passcode 密碼 : 2022