


2022 Summer Potluck Picnic



 Chinese Women Association of Cleveland
2022 Summer Potluck Picnic
Date: Sunday, August 21, 2022
Time: 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Place: Lakewood Park湖木公園
The Kiwanis Open Pavilion
(North : Red Section tables)
Address: 14532 Lake Avenue,
Lakewood, OH 44107
Phone: 216-529-6800
Potluck- Free admission 免费参加


  請自備一道菜來分享, 水及杯盤刀叉紙巾婦女會提供, 公園有烤肉爐, 您如要烤肉請帶自備肉及烤肉所需用品Potluck-bring a dish to share. Women Association will have plates, utensils and napkins. Please bring your meats and grill supplies to the park if you would like to grill on your own.
   公園有網球場沙灘排球及兒童遊樂廣場 Tennis Court, Sand Volleyball and Playground.
   利用連誼聚會來認識朋友Take this opportunity to make friends.
請扶老攜幼全家一起來參加野餐Bring your entire family to the picnic.
祝大家夏天快樂! Wish you have a Happy Summer!
Questions and Direction, please call如有任何问题,
请致电Anna Lee at 216-832-9066 or Amy Lee at 216-965-0669.

Hosted by the Chinese Women Association of Cleveland