

 百年好劇 捐款演出


  6月18日Lions Art, Inc's 在Kan Zaman located at 1616 West 25th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44113 中東餐廳舉辦捐款演出,好朋友Cindy David希望伊利華報能參加支持這個活動,目的是爲天然寺廚房捐款,伊利華報購買了一桌,並捐了禮物。
   在傳統美麗的Kan Zaman 餐廳我們度過了愉快的時光,有話劇婚禮表演,服裝造型還有專門老師演講,我邀請的朋友都説:很有意義的活動。
   當日除了話劇片段演出,還有傳統肚皮舞表演讓伊利華報老朋友Jack 感嘅萬分他説: 70年代克利夫蘭是美國最早邀請來自希臘的表演者表演,但是轟動一場。


   Lions Art, Inc's Second Annual Fundraiser What a wonderful day of entertainment and community involvement it was Saturday June 18, 2022 at Kan Zaman located at 1616 West 25th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44113 for Lion Art, Inc. Annual Fundraiser. For those who are not familiar with Lions Art, Inc., it is a non-profit which teaches life skills for those who have been sexually trafficked. The organization is currently working on the project "The Community Well." The project is about building block by block, taking an abandoned building and having the students gut it out and build it as they learn their trade or business and business owners donating their time to teach the students. Everyone working on this center, "The Community Well" will have a feeling of ownership in building a community literally block by block. The center offers the following classes: shopping, cooking, budgeting, finance on home & car, how to balance a checkbook, cleaning, washing clothes, carpenter, masonry, plumbing, HVAC, sewing, how to write a resume, how to interview for a job, and minor maintenance. Our mission has always been to give people their power back. We did it through dance for many years but after 10 years we, Kasey King Massengale and Cindy David decided to take it one step further and really give people their power back by teaching them how to fish, how to feed themselves for a lifetime. That is truly giving.
   So, this last Saturday we invited our friends and community to come and enjoy dinner, a Fashion Show by Laxmi Fashion & Jewelry, a Hawaiian Show by Dahmia's Sisters of the Island and a play about love, betrayal, plots and twists, and time travel from the middle east in the 1300's to modern day Cleveland, Ohio called "One Arabian Night". The cast came from Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland East and West, Lakewood, Solon, and Westlake to perform. They practiced very hard and because we were so spread out, most of the rehearsals and dress rehearsals were on zoom. Half the cast had performed this play 3 years ago in Columbus but this year there were 6 new cast members that had never done middle eastern dance. The story is told by Arabic music and dance and very little narration. This year we added a new scene, The Wedding and had the reception immediately after. Listening to the audience, we think they enjoyed the event, who doesn't love a happy ending. But for Lions Art, Inc. this is just the beginning of a long overdue goal to open The Community Well and focus our time, money and effort in teaching the art of living well.
In closing we want to thank all those who contributed:
Margaret Wong & Associates
Erie Chinese Journal
Profile News Cleveland
Laxmi Fashion & Jewelry
Cindy in the City
Dahmia's Sisters of the Island
The Cast & Crew of One Arabian Night:
Narrator - Deborah Brady
Shop owner/Princess Leeza - Cindy David
Destiny Weaver - Kasey King Massengale
Princess Leeza - Kristen Iannicca
Prince Aziz - Rafael Gould-Potoker
Prince's General/ Cousin Ali - Henry Bradt
Princess's General - David Walker
Queen Mother - Nanci (Casandra) Glenning
Princess Meena - MJ Ramos
Lady of Venice - Angela Worley
Lady of Kashmir - Marletta Austin
The Weaver's Magic - Nanci (Casandra)
Usher - Danny Lavelle
DJ/ Host - Andre Cato
   And a special thanks to Nanci Glenning's partner John for running the door and raffle and MJ Ramos's partner Craig for taking the professional photography.
Thank you again everyone, we could not have pulled off this successful fundraiser without all your help and giving. We sure do appreciate it. And for those who would like to donate call us at 440-522-7052 or contact us at lionsartinc@gmail.com.