



  (本報訊)6 月 18 日星期六,在克利夫蘭中國城3236 Payne Ave原來超市的停車場里,克利夫蘭公共圖書館舉行了隆重的剪綵儀式,這是亞洲城第一個移動圖書館和藝術空間 Artbox 的開幕。
   今年夏天,亞洲城的居民可以在這個新的移動圖書館體驗藝術和文化! Artbox的服務項目包括借書證注冊、中英文圖書借閲、克利夫蘭種子銀行的免費種子發放、當地藝術家的藝術展覽空間、紐扣製造商和許多其他工藝品展示。圖書館每周五下午 2-6 點和周六上午 10 點至下午 6 點開放,至今年 10 月 8 日。
   當日圖書館特別項目和收藏館長 John Skrtic、Ward 7 女議員 Stephanie Howse、亞洲城倡議項目助理Midtown Cleveland Inc Naomi Jia 等人發表講話。
   在俄亥俄州藝術委員會、Margaret Wong & Associates 和克利夫蘭基金會的慷慨支持下,伊利華報也捐贈了中國傳統書籍。
   克里夫蘭中國城移動圖書館的開啓,繁榮了唐人街。當日除了剪綵儀式,還有榮耀腰鼓隊和凌雲學院的表演。再次感謝Margaret Wong & Associates 和克利夫蘭基金會的慷慨支持,讓我們大家一起打造中國城的文化和敎育。

   The Cleveland Public Library recently held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday, June 18th to celebrate the opening of the Artbox, the first mobile library and art space in Asiatown, located on the parking lot of 3236 Payne Avenue. Residents of Asiatown can now experience art and culture in this new mobile library this summer! Features of the Artbox include library card sign-up, books check out in Chinese and English, free seeds by the Cleveland Seed Bank, an art exhibition space by local artists, a button maker, and many other crafts. The library will be open until October 8th of this year every Friday 2-6 pm and Saturday 10 am – 6 pm.
   The Ceremony includes performances by local dance groups, Glory Waist Drum and Ling Yun Academy and followed by remarks by the Library’s Chief of Special Projects and Collection John Skrtic, Councilwoman of Ward 7 Stephanie Howse, Midtown Cleveland Inc.’s Project Associate of Asiatown Initiatives Naomi Jia. The Artbox is made possible with the generous support of Midtown Cleveland Inc., the Hershey Foundation, the Ohio Arts Council, Margaret Wong & Associates, and the Cleveland Foundation.