


This Garden is our Dream!


Gia Hoa Ryan她是一位著名在克利夫蘭亞裔的領袖人物,她對我説:她來美國克利夫蘭50多年來,她在成功地代表亞裔走進政界企業和敎育文化界。

   早年克利夫蘭企業家洛克菲勒捐贈了一大片土地,現在全球人可以在美國設立自己國家的地標:“越南花園是我們的夢想”,這是Gia Hoa Ryan 和她的合作夥伴Joseph Patrick Meissner 齊聲説的.
   當我問他們:爲什么要建這個越南文化園?您們的目標是什么?您們的希望是什么?”以下是美越友誼基金會創始人、執行董事 Gia Hoa Ryan 的回應。 “首先,我們想爲所有爲我們獻出生命的越戰老兵建造這個花園。如果沒有他們的犧牲,我們將無法來到美國。全世界數以百萬計的生命的自由歸功于美國退伍軍人。 “第二,這個花園是獻給那些爲我們獻出生命的越南退伍軍人,以及許多在越南爲自由而戰的人,如華人、柬埔寨人、韓國人、愛爾蘭人、澳大利亞人、新西蘭人等等。山嶽部落民族、老撾人、菲律賓人、台灣人,還有很多其他的。 “第三,未來人們看到這個花園,尤其是我們的靑年,會想起我們所有退伍軍人的犧牲。這個花園將是:向我們所有的越南人民和家庭致敬。
   不久將來,越南花園將慶祝我們擁有 4000 年歷史的文化和成就。它將敎育後代瞭解越南的遺産、美麗和傳統。 記住在克利夫蘭黑人領袖馬丁路德金博士的林蔭大道留下我們花園和其他四十個國家的家園的地標。越南花園這是我們的夢想,這個花園像其他花園一樣,是我們社區的標誌,需要我們大家的支持。


This Garden is our Dream!

By Joseph Patrick Meissner -- “Bac Hai” which means “Uncle Number Two” in Vietnamese. (There is no Uncle Number One.)

“Why this Vietnamese cultural garden? What are our goals? What are our hopes?”
   These are the questions all ask about this new garden. Here are the responses from the Executive Director Gia Hoa Ryan, Founder of the Friendship Foundation of American-Vietnamese.
   “First, we have wanted to build this garden for all the Vietnam Veterans who gave their lives for us. Except for their sacrifice we would not have been able to come to America. Many millions of lives around the world owe their freedom to America veterans.
   “Second, this garden is dedicated to the veterans of Vietnamese background who gave their lives for us as well as so many others who fought for freedom in Vietnam, such as Chinese Nungs, Cambodians, Koreans, Irish, Australians, New Zealanders, all the Montagnard Tribal nations, Laotians, Philippinos, Taiwanese. Thai, and so many others.
   “Third, in the future when people see this garden, especially our youth, they will recall the sacrifice of all our veterans. This garden will be a tribute to all our Vietnamese people and families.
“Next, the Garden will celebrate our 4,000-year-old culture and achievements. It will educate future generations about the heritage, beauty and traditions of Viet Nam.
   “Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King whose boulevard is the home of our garden and some forty other nationalities, we say, ‘This is our dream.’”
   This garden as a mark of our community like all the other gardens needs our support. Two years ago just as the Covid epidemic attacked our world, the Vietnamese community conducted an opening ground breaking ceremony. (We especially thank Mama Hanson—now passed away in peace and her son Dan Hanson who attended this ceremony as well as Sister Debbie who could not attend but sends out a thousand prayers a day for our success.We particularly thank Dan Hanson who devoted all of his expertise and talents to recording and memorializing this ceremony with his photographic talents. Here is the ceremony DVD and photoshe produced at Clevelandpeople.com. See http://www.clevelandpeople.com/groups/vietnam/2020/vietnamese-garden-groundbreaking.htm)
   “We had wanted to have a major event for our Vietnamese Cultural Garden,” stated Director Gia Hoa Ryan, “during the special Month of May which is our nation’s Asian Heritage Month. That was why we had scheduled this ground breaking ceremony for May 30.”
   “Our garden,” said Vietnamese Community President Kha, “is open to the world. We must not be selfish. This garden is not only for the Vietnamese and Cambodians and Laotians, but we welcome all.”
   That ceremony attended by the Vietnamese community began with singing the American National Anthem and the Vietnamese National Anthem as both flags were proudly raised high above the crowd. The American Pledge of Allegiance was then recited. We next had ten major community leaders speak to us including Dr. Wael Khoury, Chair of the Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation, who said, “We all must praise the Vietnamese community for allyour great work in construction of your garden. We look forward to your Grand Opening with the installation of your center Statue of the Vietnamese woman and all the other marble art works.”
   Here was a tribute from a major leader to our work at this initial opening: “To Friendship Foundation of American-Vietnamese. Thankyou for including me in the wonderful ground-breaking ceremony today! It was great to see all the supporters of the Vietnamese Community! Everything worked out very well - especially the warm sunny weather!!! May the Saints (and the Good God) guide all of us to find the funds to continue our work in the Cleveland Cultural Gardens. Best Regards!” From Ken Kovach,Chair of International Community Council-Worldwide International Network.
   From Phi Doane, “I was so sad that I could not journey to join all of at this great event. We salute all and especially that includes my Sister Gia Hoa Ryan who has worked so hard for so many years on this Project. This is a legacy to Vietnam and all the people who have come from our First Motherland to this Our Second Motherland. We pass this on to all future generations.”
   This ground breaking ceremony was historic, but it is not the end of our efforts. Much more work is needed. Right now the statue of "Our Lady" is almost finished being carved in Vietnam from exquisite white Vietnamese marble by our team of Vietnamese artists and others. We are hoping it will be completed very soon and then safely transported by sea to America and to Cleveland. We will then work to install the statue of approximately twenty-five tons in the center of our area with other marble works and a concrete sitting wall--all in the midst of a garden of beautiful Asian flowers, shrubs, and trees. We also are planting a beautiful bamboo forest complete with a time capsule to be opened one hundred years from now as a witness to our current Vietnamese-American Community in Greater Cleveland.
   In providing testimony to the hearing of the Cleveland City committee for this garden, Landscape Designer Charlene Crowley noted. “The garden site was chosen due to it being reminiscent of the hilly and river topography of Vietnam. The wooded area above the site is being retained. A plaza with an egg shape design is in the center and the primary statue in that center represents an iconic Vietnamese woman. The hat on the statue head is specific to Vietnam.”

   Gia Hoa Ryan at this hearing added background to the meanings of the symbols. “The plaza is mostly level but has a pitch to MLK Boulevard. The ‘egg’ in the center represents the cultural mythology of the beginning of Vietnam and is visible to all driving by on Dr. King Boulevard. There is a solid concrete walk around the plaza. There are three main elements to the garden: the statue of the woman in the center; a gently curving stone wall and sitting area on the wall; and Asian inspired plantings including bamboo behind the wall.”
   “Joining the main statue,” states Foundation Treasurer Joseph Meissner, “ will be four marble benches, an entrance greeting stone with Vietnamese literary writings and an exit stone showing a map of Vietnam where veterans can point out historic Vietnam cities and cultural sites where they served. Also the garden displays a marble model of the large Dong Son Drum which is a cultural symbol dating back four thousand years.”
   “The center statue of a Vietnamese woman will be 9 feet tall on a five-foot pedestal,” Dr George McCarthy, Foundation President, reports, “it will be of beautiful white marble from historic Marble Mountain near Da Nang.”
   Of course, our Vietnamese community with the leadership of our garden committee, the Friendship Foundation, and Veteran Vice-President David Thi, Mr. Cao in charge of the vegetation, and others, will be working to raise the necessary donations. We estimate we will need at least half a million dollars or even more for the Garden Construction Fund.

   All donations, which are IRS tax deductible, can be sent to the Vietnamese Cultural Garden Fund-raising Committee. 2234 West Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44102.
   We also want to mention that our charity and educationwork continues in Vietnam. We have just completed our 8th Educational Construction project for the students. We have included four photographs showing the students standing in front of their new school as well as seated at their desks as they learn inside the building. We expect also to continue our scholarship programs in Viet Nam during this present year.
   Thank you to all for your generosity and support. Pray for us and our humanitarian work.