


(本報訊)5月21-22日,一年一度的克利夫蘭亞洲節(Cleveland Asian Festival)就是這周末舉行,久違了,因爲疫情已經停止了二年,本次活動節目單見下表,舞獅,廣場舞,腰鼓隊,功夫、樂隊、繪畫,還有很多日本韓國印度等多種文藝演出。給您提供2天時間親眼目睹亞裔文化。
   本屆亞洲節,ICHC亞洲社區診所于兩日中午12點至下午四點提供新冠疫苗加強針,無需預約 ,詳情請咨詢亞洲社區診所 216 361 1223 Asia Plaza 歡迎您,期待您的到來!

    Join 10's of Thousands of us at the Cleveland Asian Festival, May 21-22, as we return with an in-person event in the heart of Asiatown Cleveland! The Best Showcase of Asian Food & Culture will have diverse cuisines and snacks, 2 stages of performances and martial arts, shopping, health pavilion, and activities that Ohio has come to expect! See you at the party! #CAF2022CLE #Cleveland #ThisIsCLE #ShowTime