

You have a role in our emboldened new journey

Dear Reader
   I am so excited to share that my team is growing and we are increasing our collective power as a result of the historic voter turnout in 2020 and 2021. I helped start APIAVote in 2007 with the vision to strengthen the presence of Asian American and Pacific Islanders in our democracy, by investing in communities and trusted leaders to organize, educate and empower one another to have their voices heard. The progress we have made over the past 15 years has been a testament to our shared belief that our voices matter. But there is so much more to do in order to sustain and build on the momentum we helped start.
   With our new website and bold new logo, we wanted to renew this commitment to our mission and vision: to be the nation’s leading nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to engaging, educating, and empowering AAPI communities to strengthen their voices and create impact. In the next few years, APIAVote will expand our efforts to more than double our operating budget in order to increase our capacity to directly invest in our Alliance for Civic Empowerment (ACE) network. We know that every dollar and every minute we can devote to our community-based partners increases our collective power through civic participation at every level.
   You have a role in our emboldened new journey.
   First, help me recruit others and grow our network. Share this email with your circle of friends and family. Encourage them to sign up for our email list to be informed and prepared to take action on the issues that matter to us. Help us grow our community of like-minded people to create a world where the concerns and needs of AAPIs are part of the decision-making process and addressed with equal consideration.
   Second, renew your investment in our work with a donation today . Your financial support is critical to powering our shared vision to strengthen our communities and to those trusted leaders who serve them.
   Now is the time for action. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are gaining our country’s attention and I need your help to meet this moment and ensure that the decisions made in Washington DC and in every state capital and town hall include our voices. Throughout May, you will receive regular emails from my team so you can understand how our growth is focused on meeting the needs of our growing communities.
   Thank you for being a part of our journey. I ask that you accept my invitation to join our bold new efforts and invest your time and resources to ensure that our Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities have the information and motivation to participate in their democracy.
- Christine Chen