

Global Cleveland全球克利夫蘭

和 市長Bibb對話的機會

Global Cleveland - Invitation to Mayor Bibb- Meet and Greet with our International Community
全球克利夫蘭和 市長Bibb對話的機會亞洲城企業和居民們,
請加入我們全球克利夫蘭(Global Cleveland)的國際社區特別活動,和克利夫蘭Bibb市長見面,探討今後如何更好地並肩前進!
2022 年 3 月 30 日,星期三
克利夫蘭公共圖書館 (325 Superior Ave, Cleveland, OH 44114) 中庭和禮堂
網絡:下午 4:00 - 下午 5 點 15 分
聽取市長的意見:下午 5:15 - 下午 6:00

Good Afternoon,
Please join us for our International Community Meet and Greet with Mayor Bibb on March 30th at 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Registration link below.
Please share as you see fit.
Are you a member of the international community in Northeast Ohio! Join us for a Meet & Greet with Cleveland Mayor, Justin Bibb!
About this event
Are you a member of the international community in Northeast Ohio?
Join us for a special event where you can meet Mayor Bibb, hear what he is doing to help improve the city of Cleveland for the international community, and participate in a dialogue on how to best move forward together!
*Registration required.
Date and time
Wed, March 30, 2022
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
Cleveland Public Library
325 Superior Avenue Cleveland, OH 44114