


Justice Williams
I like learning Chinese because not only do I get to learn a new language, but I also get to learn about a new culture. I personally like learning about new cultures and their beliefs. I also like how Chinese food and American food have two very distinct but different tastes. I like the stories, lore, and the history of Chinese cultures. I like learning Chinese most of all because it gives me the ability to communicate with more people whom I probably wouldn't get the chance to talk to otherwise. I love that learning Chinese gives me the ability to experience new things.

Rayne Latham
I enjoy learning Chinese because of the uniqueness of the language. It has its own special qualities that makes it fun and interesting to learn. The way the language has a different character for each word makes it very beautiful. As someone who only speaks English and has very minimal knowledge in other languages, learning Chinese is kind of a struggle for me. But the more I learn and discover, the more I really appreciate the language and how different it is from my native tongue. While having differences thelanguage also has slight similarities. I feel that realizing this makes me understand that we are differentbut also the same in some manners. I overall just enjoy being able to expand my knowledge on othercultures and people. I’m happy that people are willing to share their cultures with people willing to learnabout them.