


   放眼整個俄亥俄州,要求所有學生必修中文的學校可謂寥寥無幾,而位于阿克倫市中心的STEM學校就是其中的一所,並且中文是唯一的外語,體現了中國文化的敎學在這所學校中的重要性。但要同時敎授200多個7、8年級學生的中文對我來説確實是一種很大的挑戰,我盡了個人最大的努力,嘗試和改進各種敎學方法,目的是讓這些孩子們儘可能地學好中文。那么如何讓這群生活在市區(urban city)的年輕美國學生眞正瞭解中國語言的博大精深和深厚的文化底藴,提陞他們對古老東方文化的興趣呢?舉辦春節慶祝活動就是很有效的一種形式。自2012年來,每逢新春佳節,我們全校師生和家長都會歡聚在學校禮堂熱熱鬧鬧地慶祝中國新年。我本人負責節目策劃、服裝、音樂聲控、主持稿編寫、邀請貴賓兼導演,學生們按照分工認眞準備各自的表演節目,90分鐘的文藝節目都是由學生們主持、表演。節目之後,所有師生都會美美地享受中國飯店精心準備的中國傳統美味菜肴。中國新年慶祝活動已成爲全校一大特色和傳統,也是每個學生最向往最開心的一天。

   在此我特別感謝阿克倫市政府策划了本次的新年慶祝活動,也同時感謝其他一起參與策劃的阿克倫大學、AsiaInc., lock 3, knight foundation, Akron Community Foundation等單位以及我自己STEM學校的大力支持,並由衷感謝爲這次活動成功舉辦的表演嘉賓包括高森師傅、張maochang師傅、克利夫蘭Kwan family lion dance以及Glory Drum Team of Cleveland。最感謝的是伊利華報浦瑛老師再一次給我機會將這次慶祝分享給社區。最讓我引以爲豪的是,由於本次活動的成功舉辦,阿克倫市政府今後將更加重視多元化文化,近日已將明年的中國新年慶祝排上日程,選好了慶祝地點和日期。我驕傲,要爲兔年的新年慶祝更加努力。





   This was the first community event I took on being newly hired as DAPs Director of Engagement and Events. When I moved to
Akron from Lakewood I wanted to focus on building engagement and challenging me by planning an event DAP hadn’t done before.
   When I learned that Lunar New Year was a celebration DAP had been thinking about pursuing for quite some time, I hit the floor
   I worked closely with community partners to plan and execute the evening and continue to be such in awe of the levels
of appreciation, kindness, and patience that were given in my relatively new role. After two years of a global pandemic,
seeing the Lock 3 Commons full of people with smiling faces was a heartwarming glimmer of normalcy, a promise for what the
future may bring. I am so happy to have the opportunity to promote diversity and inclusion downtown and to bring the community
together. I'm excited to dedicate energy to the event in coming years, especially as the Confucius Institute–the organization
that formerly hosted New Year festivities–is closing this June.
My hope for Akron’s new Lunar New Year tradition: “That it can continue to grow and become an annual event so that we
can continue to celebrate the diversity that makes Akron so special.”
-Elizabeth Flanagan, Director of Engagement and Events,Downtown Akron Partnership

   This is my second year at STEM High School and my first year participating in Chinese New Year. My first time experiencing
Chinese New Year was in sixth grade. I watched my brother perform for Chinese New Year at STEM Middle School. It was so fun to
watch something so different from what I was used to. This year I finally got to participate in the event. I wore a red and
gold dress and got to greet people and give out red envelopes. It was amazing to watch people celebrate their holiday, their
excitement and joy at seeing their holiday celebrated. It was so fun getting to talk to people, who don’t celebrate Chinese
New Year, and see their expressions as they watch something, wholly unique and vibrant from their everyday lives. The whole
event was so exciting, getting to immerse yourself in another culture is an amazing experience I am happy to have been a part
JoriPresutti, 彭丽丽STEM高中十年级学生

   My name is Jaeden Dancy and for the past few years at NIHF STEM Middle School I have been only watching the Chinese New Year
celebrations but this year, I was able to participate in the celebrations and enjoy the experience and the atmosphere of the
Chinese New Year. The main activities that I participated in were being a panda, passing out red envelopes with chocolate and
money, and doing tai chi with my fellow pandas. The days before the celebration were very anxious for me and I was extremely
excited to participate and enjoy the event. Throughout the event, everything was fast-paced and sometimes we had to improvise
on what we were doing so we kept the visitors entertained as well as staying committed to our job. This was truly an amazing
experience and event and I would love to do it again; from the people to being dressed as a panda, everything added to a fun
and amusing experience. The most amazing thing about the environment was the decorations and culture and the people who
understood the magnitude of the event and were part of Chinese culture. The most entertaining aspect of my role in the
celebration was gathering lots of 红包 or red envelopes and running as a panda to distribute them to the people in attendance.
--Jaeden Dancy 杜杰达STEM中学八年级学生


   The Chinese New Year event at Lock 3 was incredible. There were so many unique acts that were performed by amazing,
talented people. Martial arts, dragon dances, fireworks, the list go on, and you could tell the crowd took in and enjoyed
every second of it. I, myself, have participated and watched a couple of performances. However, this one is easily my favorite
of all the years performed. There were so many people watching that the performance area was nearly overflowing with people.
   The performance was great, and I can hardly wait for next year’s festival!
Casey Renner,任凯司 STEM高中九年级学生