

伊利華報祝賀 杰克·柯來聖三世(Jack Craciun III)


(National Health Federation, NHF)/

健康硏究基金會(Foundation for Health Research,


Health Freedom News Global Announcement

Jack Craciun III the Appointed as NHF / FHR Executive Director of Marketing and Fundraising.
The National Health Federation (www.thenhf.com) has welcomed Mr. John J. (“Jack”) Craciun III to the Advisory Boards of NHF and its sister organization, the Foundation for Health Research (FHR), and is pleased to announce his appointment to the position of Executive Director of Marketing and Fundraising for both organizations.
Jack Craciun III is Chairman and CEO of both ITM Ltd. (Group of Cos.) and the non-profit, The Future of Medicine Foundation (TFMF). A globally recognized China Specialist, Jack’s work in FM Radio, media communications, cross-cultural exchange, and third-world economic development has redefined international consumer product manufacturing and branding. His humanitarian initiatives perpetuate the pioneering spirit of his family name, “Craciun,” Romanian for “Christmas.”
Jack’s leadership helped birth the first commercially successful FM radio station, WNCR- FM in Cleveland, Ohio, the establishment of the first national FM radio station network, and the first national radio/television simulcast, “In Concert”, through a network of 37 major market radio and TV stations established by ABC. WNCR’s success gave it the ability to break into mainstream media and fracture corrupt US big business, mainstream media and government by breeding corporate and consumer activism that led to the Environmental Movement in America and then around the world.
Jack spent over 23 years pioneering in China to help build a nation that would become the world’s number two economy. He believes cross-cultural exchange has been the key to expanding global prosperity throughout history. As economist Otto C. Mallery once said, “If soldiers are not to cross international boundaries on missions of war, goods must cross them on missions of peace.” That peaceful trade was Jack’s goal.
In 2020, Jack founded TFMF, made up of global business and medical leaders dedicated to“Return Health to Humanity”by educating the public, business and healthcare industry leaders through good science and newsworthy facts that prove the importance of Orthomolecular Medicine’s application of nutrition to prevent and / or cure disease. TFMF’s mission is inspired by the legacy of the late Richard A. Kunin, M.D., former NHF Vice President and Member of the Board of Governors, who was a pioneer of Orthomolecular medicine. His life’s work blazed trails are the essence of the future of medicine. Dr. Kunin accepted the position of TFMF Honorary Director and Member of the Board of Advisors before his death in 2021.
NHF President Scott C. Tips and the other members of the NHF Board of Governors are pleased that Jack has joined the NHF team with such enthusiasm, and are looking forward to many great achievements from his work. For a detailed biography, go to: http://itmltd.com/NHF-FHR-BIO-Jack-Craciun-III.pdf



   杰克·柯來聖三世(Jack Craciun III) 被任命爲全國衛生聯合會(National Health Federation, NHF)/健康硏究基金會(Foundation for Health Research, FHR)營銷和籌款執行董事
   全國衛生聯合會歡迎杰克·柯來聖三世(John J. (“Jack”) Craciun III)先生加入 NHF 及其姊妹組織健康硏究基金會 (FHR) 的顧問委員會,並高興地宣佈任命他爲兩個組織的營銷和籌款執行董事的職位。
   杰克·柯來聖是 ITM Ltd.(集團公司)和非營利組織未來醫學基金會(The Future of Medicine Foundation,TFMF) 的董事長兼首席執行官。作爲全球公認的中國專家,杰克在調頻廣播、媒體傳播、跨文化交流和第三世界經濟發展方面的工作重新定義了國際消費品的製造和品牌。其姓氏“Craciun”在羅馬尼亞語中意爲“聖誕節”,他的人道主義行動使其姓氏的開拓精神永存。
   在杰克的領導下,俄亥俄州克利夫蘭誕生了第一個商業成功的調頻廣播電台WNCR-FM,建立了第一個全國調頻廣播電台網絡,通過37個美國廣播公司(ABC)主要市場廣播和電視台網絡舉辦了第一個全國廣播/電視聯播演唱會 “In Concert”。WNCR的成功使其有能力打入主流媒體,並通過滋生企業和消費者激進主義來打破腐敗的美國大企業、主流媒體和政府,從而導致美國乃至全世界的環保運動興起。
   杰克在中國度過了超過 23 年的創業歲月,幫助建設了一個後來成爲世界第二大經濟體的國家。他認爲,跨文化交流一直是歷史上擴展全球繁榮的關鍵。正如經濟學家奧托·T·馬勒里(Otto T. Mallery)曾經説過的那樣,“如果士兵在戰爭任務中不跨越國際邊界,那么貨物就必須在和平任務中跨越邊界。”和平的交易是杰克的目標。
   2020年,杰克創立了TFMF,由致力于“讓健康回歸人類”的全球商業和醫學領袖組成,通過良好的科學和具有新聞價値的事實對公衆、商業和醫療保健行業的領導者提供敎育,這些事實證明瞭正分子醫學在營養應用中預防和/或治愈疾病的重要性。TFMF的使命受到已故NHF 前副總裁兼 NHF理事會成員、正分子(基于營養)醫學的先驅理查德·A·庫寧(Richard A. Kunin)博士的遺存啓發。他一生的工作開闢了醫學未來精髓的道路。庫寧博士在 2021 年 2 月去世前接受了TFMF名譽董事和顧問委員會成員的職位。
   NHF總裁斯科特·提普斯( Scott C. Tips)和NHF理事會的其他成員很高興杰克以如此熱情的態度加入NHF團隊,並期待他的工作取得許多偉大的成就。
   有關詳細的傳記,請訪問:http://itmltd.com/NHF-FHR-BIO-Jack-Craciun-III.pdf 由張嵐翻譯