

Ohio Group Urges Expanded Transit

for "Silicon Heartland"

英特爾成立于 1968 年,其技術一直是計算突破的核心。我們是行業領導者,創造改變世界的技術,推動全球進步並豐富生活。我們正處于幾種技術拐點的邊緣——人工智能 (AI)、5G 網絡轉型和智能邊緣的興起——它們共同塑造了技術的未來。芯片和軟件推動了這些變化,而英特爾是這一切的核心。
   英特爾將提供巨款投資在哥倫布設厰,提高俄州的就業率。 With Intel's plans to make central Ohio the Silicon Heartland, public-transportation advocates are calling on leaders to ensure development plans include multimodal transportation options. The tech giant announced a plan to build a $20 billion semiconductor manufacturing plant near Columbus, which already is home to data centers for Google and Facebook, as well as Amazon warehouses. Josh Lapp, chair of Transit Columbus, said with an initial 3,000 jobs expected to be created, considerations need to be made to maximize access. "So we have this chance, right now, right now is the time, the inflection point to really plan for and invest in a different type of growth," Josh Lapp asserted. " (contd.) Podcast and entire story available: https://www.newsservice.org/index.php