



   我的好朋友,伊利華報專欄撰稿人Cynthia Marek的哥哥Denny Marek于12月25日聖誕節去世,終年72歲,Cynthia 哥哥Denny才貌雙全,善良幽默,我在1月8日參加了葬禮,並且去了墓園。

   我在1月8日參加Denny Marek的葬禮,看到他們的家人談笑風生,説Denny是一位風趣的人,只要他在家里家里就有笑聲。Denny喜歡動物,他有兩只鳥,看到主人走了,鳥流淚了。
歌詞(Denny Marek寫給他太太的歌)
You are just what I need
-Music and Lyrics by Denny Marek
I’ve been alone for way too long,
I need to have someone to belong to me.
But when you touched my cheek with a kiss so sweet and pure,
I knew right then and there
That I was really sure
That you would be just what I need.
I’ll never be like I was before, before
Since your love has come
I’ll be yours and I’ll stay yours forever more, forever more….. yeah.
Love came to me tonight and I found it in your eyes,
and after all this time, I finally realize
that you may be
yes, you may be the one that I
yes, you may be just what I need
that I desire, you are my fire, come hold me tighter
Because I love you