


參加Benjamin Holbert lll連任Woodmere市長典禮



1月4日,我的好朋友Jenny邀請我參加Woodmere市長Benjamin Holbert lll連任市長的典禮,地點在著名Eton Mall,在那里我們觀摩了一場精彩的宣誓儀式。


   我感嘆這個小鎮做瞭如此完美儀式,包括所有發言人的祝賀和法官對宣誓儀式的公正執法,這些被選民投票選上的市長和市長的領導小組成員的使命是更好爲Woodmere 居民服務。
   Eton是Woodmere 小鎮的驕傲,可以説在整個美國也可以排在Top的Mall,每一年春暖花開可以看到整個mall 布滿 精緻的花,而我對Eton更有一份感情:在Eton的書店BARNES & NOBLE,2007年我零距離見到柯林頓總統,還有伊利華報在2015年爲鋼琴家沈璐舉辦過音樂會,Eton有着獨特魅力,我的好朋友Jenny的Ginjie Spa也在那里經營4年了。

   Eton Mall有與衆不同的地方,它不僅擁有世界品牌店,像Apple store. Tiffani jewelry store, 在它的mall里常常有給敎育文化活動,給孩子提供畫展,人們可以在那么好的環境里打麻將,我問了Jenny,你爲什么愛Eton Mall,Jenny説了她對Eton的感受:
 1. 地理位置得天獨厚。位于Woodmere Village 的中心。四周被高收入居民居住的township(Huntington Valley, Pepper Pike, Beachwood, Orange, Shaker Heights, Chagrin Falls) 環抱。也是271高速公路的出口。Gingie Spa的80%客戶群體來自周邊富足人群。客人們都非常重視自我保養,定期(weekly, biweekly, tri-weekly, monthly)做按摩和護膚。

   2. Eton所在的Woodmere Village,當地市長Mayor Holbert,和他領導的市政府辦公效率高,實實在在地支持當地企業。Gingie Spa從2018年申請開業執照,裝修許可,到2020年的疫情和火災,都得到了市長直接的支持和扶助。
   3. Eton的Landlord, Stark Enterprises, 是我遇到最好的房東,爲店家免費做Social Media廣吿和Marketing Events。遇到糾紛,也能和平公正解決。
   4. Eton有Tiffany, Apple Store, Barnes & Nobles 等世界著名品牌店,也有當地的精品店LA BELLA VITA, MULHOLLAND & SACHS,KILGORE TROUT。Gingie Spa也是Eton Collection的精品品牌之一。

   5. 最愛的是Gingie的客戶,他們是Gingie Spa的財神爺爺和奶奶,他們也是Gingie Spa的“Why”。 from the most recent google review on Gingie Spa by Jessica Cowan ~ “I have significant trouble with anxiety and nothing has helped me as relax as much the massages I get here! I achieved a level of relaxation I never thought was possible for me nor have I ever experienced.”

   我祝賀這位再次連任的市長Benjamin Holbert lll,我也想到Jenny對我説的,這位市長還有這個Mall的老闆對Jenny愛護有加,他們對每一個店面都非常負責,因爲這里的租金昂貴,如果沒有消費者的喜愛,那是很難維持的。
   Eton Mall也是帶給我許多回憶和新的友情的地方,我記得我送完女兒上學後,我也會在書店里看書寫文章等候女兒放學,原來Mall里的鋼琴店每年給我許多廣吿支持我,而現在好朋友的Ginjie Sap又在Eton Mall.Jenny 她就像一塊吸鐵石吸引我,她努力向上,精益求精,還在上不同課程充實自己。
   我也常去Eton Mall, 就在我生日那天,我看到Eton Mall又開了一家新的健康體驗店Restore,我絲毫沒有考慮就加入了會員,我的身體靈魂都在疫情中需要Restore。

   Eton是Stark Enterprises在開發的Property, 是Robert Stark和Ezra Stark父子聯手打造的杰作。



Congratulations on the election and swearing in of the Woodmere Village Councilmembers and Charter Review Commission. These individuals have accepted an important role in our community and their knowledge, skills, and commitment to making our community better will be realized. For that, I thank them.
   January 4, we experienced a wonderful swearing in ceremony at Eton Mall. We thank our partners at Stark Enterprises and Eton for opening its doors so the Village government could have an elegant venue for Woodmere officials to take the oath.
   We were honored to have Ohio Supreme Court Justice Melody J. Stewart administered the Oath to the Mayor and Council Members. County Councilmember Meredith M. Turner (D-9) served as the Mistress of Ceremony.
   Other special guests were Ohio State Representative Kent Smith who delivered the purpose of the oath of office, Judge Ronald B. Adrine, Retired, who administered the oath to the Charter Review Commissioners, Rabbi Moshe Gancz who delivered the invocation, Bishop Tony Minor who brought the Benediction,
   The Honor Guard of Wright Patterson Air Force Base presented the Colors. Flautist Herbert Wilborn Jr., offered his rendition of the National Anthem. The event was coordinated by Daphne Evans, Special Assistant to the mayor; we trust this ceremony was meaningful for one and all.

Happy New Year – great days are ahead.

Benjamin Holbert, III