

浦瑛開講:甜的是心 心就是愛

   今年七月,ITM總裁Jack 找我去看在Canton的一家巧克力工厰,工厰老闆是Scott Huckestein,這家工厰很有特色,有一條特別的流水線,顧客可以自己調配喜歡吃的水果、堅果,還有你喜歡吃白巧克力還是黑巧克力,你會做成一塊自己設制的巧克力bar。這家工厰還有一個小超市,專櫃出售自己製作的非常新鮮的巧克力。
   10月23日,Jack吿訴我,Scott Huckestein 50歲生日,家里有Party,我也就去他家參加生日聚會,到他家里才知道他們今天是家人聚會只有請了Jack和我,我認識了善良溫馨和諧的一家人。Scott的太太Dianna和兒子Jose還有Dianna媽媽他們三代同堂,我感受到他們一家人的熱情和溫暖。

   這家人非常傳統,當我們唱完祝福Scott 生日歌後,我讓Scott吿訴我他怎么開始做巧克力的,Scott吿訴我他學的是工程設計,29歲前,是幫助維修飛機後,駕駛維修後的飛機到世界各地。他去過台灣香港和大陸,但從來沒有進海關,送完飛機就回美國。

   我問Scott生意成功關鍵是什么?他説:“關係”。就在他兒子二歲那年,Football市場部問他能不能將巧克力做成Football,Scott原本就是工程師的基礎,從打模子到做成Football巧克力,那天他要將Football巧克力樣品送到球場,臨時沒有人幫他看兒子,Scott説:我一只手領着兒子,一手拿着Football巧克力。當時球場上的人都走過來,他們沒有看我的Football巧克力,全部看着我籃子里的兒子,每一個人都讚美我的兒子。就這樣我第一批1000只Football巧克力的訂單是我兒子給我拿下的。Scott 和他的太太Dianna 開的第一家巧克力店Schakolad 在密西根商業中心Ann Arbor, 後來他們的Schakolad巧克力店發展到31 家,從密西根一直到Mississippi River. 後來他就到俄州Canton開了巧克力工厰。
   Scott的工厰也是由於疫情,沒有能堅持住,而全世界都因爲這場瘟疫也發生了天翻地覆的變化,而有的變化才剛剛開始。要重啓夢想,Scott現在有更大的夢想,他想讓全世界的人都品嚐他的巧克力,他要把巧克力工厰開到中國去,ITM和伊利華報都樂意做Scott的橋樑,讓S.H. World Chocolate Inc 早日在中國落地,因爲巧克力甜的是心,心就是愛。


Scott Huckestein

An entrepreneurial chocolatier and USA inter-industry innovator for over twenty years is going global!

Scott Huckestein is now the Founder of S.H. World Chocolate Inc. In his role as Chairman / CEO, he is a highly respected chocolatier who has created a unique A to Z vertically integrated chocolate company in the USA. Scott’s aspirations are to take American knowhow into global markets, just as he has helped hundreds of small and large chocolatiers realize their entrepreneurial dreams at home in the USA.

Scott's journey in chocolate began upon meeting his mentor, Baruch Schaked,the co-founder of Schakolad, who began his career as a chocolatier in Argentina while working for his father-in-law, Gustavo Bar, the owner of one of South America`s largest chocolate factories. Baruch had the vision of developing retail stores in the U.S. and abroad.

Intrigued with the science behind chocolate manufacturing,Scott left his position as an aircraft technician with Northwest Airlines and opened a Schakolad Chocolate Factory retail in Ann Arbor, MI under Chocolate Dreams Inc. Through his background in aerospace technology, he brought innovation to the manufacturing process with his patent-pending application of aircraft sensors to chocolate processing equipment, among many other innovations.

Over ten years, Scott owned the Ann Arbor location and, in partnership, was the brand franchise developer, creating 31 store locations with two international stores. He was President of the Franchise Advisory Committee and President of the Marketing Committee in communication with all franchisees. Scott had the highest sales position in the ten years following the company’s inception.

During the growth of the company, Scott promoted the importance of creating multiple income streams for the franchisees, i.e., retail, corporate gifts, custom chocolate, private label, and wholesale. Marketing the importance of the high antioxidant content of dark chocolate,he ultimatelyachieved 70 percent of his sales in dark chocolate and he began to introduce chocolate and wine tastings in collaboration with many local wineries and restaurants. In the early 2000’s, Scott helped a brewery create a chocolate wheat beer using his chocolate recipe that beat Samuel Adams in a taste test. Heestablished relationships and collaborated with many charities to create custom chocolates that provide added value to fundraising.

After being presented with an opportunity from the company’s chocolate custom mold supplier and equipment manufacturer to purchase the manufacturing company, Scott sold Chocolate Dreams, Inc. and co-founded Chocolate Creations, Inc. with Dr. Roger Newton, the co-developer of Lipitor, to buy assets of the supplier. The creation of Chocolate Creations, Inc. enabled multiple divisions to integrate vertically, adding value to the consumer and realizing its mission to create the healthiest chocolate on the planet through research and development. The divisions of Chocolate Creations, Inc. encompassed chocolate equipment manufacturing, custom chocolate mold manufacturing, retail, private label and co-manufacturing, wholesale, research, and factory development for “bean to bar” chocolate formulation. Scott formulated organic dark chocolate with cherry cluster non-GMO, sampling 15,000 individuals with very positive taste results. He created a “better together” atmosphere, collaborating with ingredient suppliers and larger corporations to add value to products using many formulations that gave healthy dark chocolate optionsto the consumer.

For over two decades, Scott Huckestein has provided formulations of healthy dark chocolate and custom chocolate designs for multiple corporations and Fortune 500 companies including Disney, Toyota, Ritz Carlton, the NFL, the Superbowl and the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

With a vision of developing offerings and capabilities that meet and exceed global customer taste, while realizing his dream of using chocolate -- the “food of the gods”, to deliver health to humanity, Scott founded S.H. World Chocolate Inc., in association with Co-founder and Executive Chairman Jack Craciun III, ITM Chairman/CEO and Founder of The Future of Medicine Foundation?, Ltd. S.H. World Chocolate Inc. is a vertically integrated company that will provide international distribution of healthy chocolate and build capacity to grow revenue in manufacturing. S.H. World Chocolate Inc. will introduce master territorial licenses incorporating all the company's divisions, generating a revenue stream for each division, and creating company asset mergers with brands including Frosted Frootes of the UK and South Africa, established by longtime ITM Associates, Geoffrey Bond and Mark DeJohn who have invited Jack Craciun III,to become a member of the Board of Directors and a Consultant / Advisor of Frosted Frootes Holdings Ltd. Other merger opportunities include Smartlife Chocolate,Vino Cocoa, and Timeless Treasures Candy Company.

Most importantly, global profits from the use of the S.H. World Chocolate Inc.’s Share Bar? Chocolate intellectual property will generate proceedsexclusively forthree non-profit entities dedicated to returning health to humanity by protecting our rights to nutrition:The Future of Medicine Foundation?, the National Health Federation and the Foundation for Health Research.

The Future of Medicine Foundation?’s mission is to fund clinical trials and obtain the validating scientific data that proves the disease prevention and lifesaving attributes of nutrition based Orthomolecular Medicine and to develop a global advocacyled by business leaders and consumersthat leads to the merging of nutrition-based Orthomolecular and Integrative Medicine more fully into mainstream medicine.

The National Health Federationis the most powerful, most influential advocate for health freedom policies which directly affect the lives of 7 billion people worldwide.? NHF is the world's oldest and most respected consumer health freedom organization and the only INGO (International Non-Governmental Organization) recognized to speak, submit scientific research, and actively shape global policy at international meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Codex is the global seat of power established by the United Nations that sets international standards, guidelines and codes of practice for agriculture, food, beverages, and nutritional supplements. NHF President, Scott Tips, J.D., has attended more Codex meetings worldwide as chief delegate for NHF than all other health-freedom activists combined.

The Foundation for Health Research (FHR), sister organization to the NHF, is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to research and education regarding health freedom with an emphasis on holistic healthcare and nutrition. Since 1982, the Foundation for Health Research (FHR) has served both the public and policymakers as an information portal on natural health and health freedom through thepreservation of health-freedom history and maintenance of the NHF Memorial Library, the only health-freedom library of its kind in the world. The alliance between FHR and NHF is integral in the fight for individual liberty and the right to achieve, protect and preserve optimal health for all humanity.