


Asian ServSafe  2021

Level 2 Food Safety Training and Certification
For Asian Food Owners, Operators, and Managers

Mondays, Sept. 13, 20, & 27 (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
3150 Chester Ave., MWW Building, Cleveland, OH 44114
The ServSafe  Program (www.ServSafe.com) provides updated information for employees on all aspects of food safety, from receiving through serving. This updated 7th edition program covers topics such as: personal hygiene, cross contamination, time and temperature, receiving and storage, food safety management systems, training hourly employees, and more.
Because this class delivers comprehensive training of key food safety concepts, when you successfully complete this class and exam, you will receive both a Certificate from ServSafe and a certification from the Ohio Department of Health (ODH). This class is approved by ODH as a Manager Certification in Food Protection (Level Two) training. The cost per student is $175.00, which includes all materials (study guide and book) OR $100 if you bring your own book. www.ServSafe.com
The class fee is non-refundable. Please submit application and fee ASAP as space is limited. Class confirmations will be sent via email. Arrive 30 mins early to allow time
for registration. A Photo I.D is required for registration on the first day and also needed to take exam on the last day.
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食品安全培訓課程 Asian ServSafe 2021
Complete and mail this portion of the application with your check or money order to: Cuyahoga County Board of Health, 5550 Venture Drive, Parma, OH 44130
1. □ $175 Training, The ServSafe? Book, Exam Fee 中文課本,中文考試題 和 考試費
The ServSafe? Text Book is available in Chinese or English (with answer sheet) please check one
□ Chinese □ English
□ $100 Training and Exam Fee (Bring your own New or Used ServSafe Managers Book, 7th Edition
(answer sheet provided by our office)
2. Please check the box if you need the Test Booklet in a specific language 請選擇考試卷的語文 (test are bilingual)
□ Chinese □ Korean □ Japanese □ Spanish □ English □ Large print-English
Student’s Name: ____________________________________________________________

Facility Name: _____________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________ City:_________________________ Zip: ____________
Alternate Phone: ____________________________ *Email Address: (required)_____________________________________________________________________________________