

May Chen女士榮獲Americanism award from Daughters of American Revolution奬

創辦亞洲民眾服務協會25載 爲社區服務作出杰出貢獻

    May Chen女士榮獲Americanism award from Daughters of American Revolution奬 最近亞洲民眾服務協會創辦人之一,前執行董事May Chen女士榮獲了Americanism award from Daughters of American Revolution,這是一個很高的榮譽,今年全美共有12名獲奬者,她是唯一的亞裔。 她本人謙虛地表示自己很幸運,其實這是她對社區對亞裔所做的貢獻換來的。
     今天的亞洲民眾服務協會已擴展到五類主要社區服務項目,其中包括:長者及成人項目 (Aging and Adult)、社區保健項目 (Community Health)、靑少年及家庭項目 (Children/Youth/Family)、文化推廣項目 (Cultural Outreach)、和自給自足項目 (Self-Sufficiency)。

   本次獲奬是與May Chen在ASIA長期服務移民和難民做出的杰出貢獻分不開的。May 50多年爲移民和難民服務,這是她的夢想,她感激美國讓她實現夢想,以改善移民和難民的生活質量。


    What a great honor it is for me to receive the Americanism award from Daughters of American Revolution .I do want to thank Akron ,Ohio DAR Chapter for taking the time to know my work at ASIA and nominate me for this award.
    I believe this prestigious award should be rightfully shared with immigrants and refugees I have had the privilege to serve.
    I am constantly humbled and moved by their matchless resiliency and sacrifices, to realize their hopes and dreams for themselves and families.
    My work was simply to help them navigate through unfamiliar terrain and overcome barriers in America to reach their goals.
    The fruits of my life work to serve immigrants and refugees would not come to fruition were it not for America’s kind and big heart for the displaced, oppressed and marginalized in our world.
Therefore, I would remain forever grateful to this country for realizing my dream to improve the quality of life for immigrants and refugees and their becoming patriotic and fully contributing American citizens.
    So let us come together to re-establish our faith in one another, revert to our country’s core values and continue to bring in the strength of immigrants and refugees who can build on the strength for America.